Active Member
Its good to always be careful, just as a general advice, always pay with cash so u don't have a paper trail leading to you. Haha talking about that, it really seemed that someone was following me earlier today but turns out i was just being paranoidYeah, I was just thinking the same thing, Fox Farms seems to be a mogul. But it makes me wonder if I go to the store and buy it, am I going to attract attention? (Yeah, just because Im paranoid doesnt mean no one is following me) lol. If my temps are up tomorrow Im going to use that ice method. Funny thing was I was thinking of something along that lines today but with ice cubes, thought about setting them on the soil by the plants, but figured that cold ass melted water would shock the plants, so I just left it there. I was headed towards a good idea. lol But what the hell, Im a.d.d. hehe

I was thinking of shit with ice cubes for that too! umm... then i just kinda forgot about it halfway through the thought. God i love weed!

Dude I also read up on molasses a lot today and come to the conclusion that its a must have! for like 5 bucks u make ur buds 20 percent denser (just felt like shearing the knowledge i learned today with you man lol)