I had a nice glass pipe my very first I only had it like a year and a half maybe 2 years but I was cleaning it and I broke it I was so mad she was a hitter man do I miss that pipe I got it when I was on a trip to berkley I was so excited I knew I was comming home with something I just did not...
Does he smoke if so just get a bag and go fishing or camping then ask him how he feels about 1 marijuana 2 you smoking and 3 how he would feel about you two smoking together then judge the situation from his answers
This one time I was at my friends house we were smoking out in his backyard man we all fucked up on some orange rom we were like zombies just walkin around I steped in some dog shit and did not know that I did tho we all went in to his house and yep I walked onthe wood floor the carpet and on...
How do your parents feel about you smoking are they ok with it,just don't say nothin or are you the black sheep I smoke wit my dad and my Mom is ok with it
I am watching what all you are doing LOL na jk I am watching cops a lady just got robed and jumped on the car when the cops found her she was shooting up heroin with the people who robed her LOL