I would tell them look he smokes just beleave me then I would ask him to sit and have blunt or two and try to get him to change his political view on mj
Blunts are the funnest thing to puff on me and all the smokers I know always try to out roll eachother to see who could get the strightest blunt or the prettiest or even the fattest art you and your friends compeat to see who is the rolling champ this is always the debate when me and my friends...
My cuzin called me a dope feen this pissed me off so much we almost ALMOST did not smoke the bags we had just got but weed is the perfect peace maker for anyone
so what your saying is that weed is bad for animals if that was so weed would be bad for us and it's not animals just don't know what's happening what this feeling we call high is it's harmless to them o except birds lol