i dono didnt read all the thread didnt no if somone mention this but if u get a real thick tree bushy 3/4 up cut out just a little bit on the side facing the south so it gets full light all day n no more still have cover and wind protection i donno it sounds slick might try it
maybe. might be just gettin ready for this fall but man idk seen em go over a lot of desolate places. or maybe there gettin real sneaky n see where the traffics at around the woods
anyone already see black helicopters flyin around in the woods? seen three so far wtf never see em till augest at least dono what they think there gonna find this early
if you start in mg they will grow slow as fuck theres no question seen it so many times unless theres no plant food/nutes in it then ur alright. shit sucks if u use it got to use it later on. i dont see prewflowers till about six feet tall in augest. good luck sir
yea as little of them percs u can take the better man id rather smoke or drink for pain but olbviously painkillers help more. puttin my first batch out real soon cant wait i dont really think we got another frost comin. good luck
i found a good bubbler filters out mosta the bad shit and u dont cough up nearly anything in the morning. usta get the same shit. i think its mostly cigs that turned my loogies that color because when i quit i coughed it all up n didnt have it again. wouldnt hurt to get it checked out tho