Yep you have a lil nute burn on some of the leaves but not bad as Scrog mentioned. The very bottom leaves(which are the worst) is ok as they are expected to fall 0r break off. What kind and how much fertilizer did you use and pls do mention type of soil your using as well?? Very lovely...
Is it normal for a plant to start giving off it's aroma in a 4th wk time period? My plant is already starting to smell like dank but the smell is light scented not so strong to where you can smell 4rm far just when your next to it and especially when you actually pick it up and smell the...
Thanks for the warm welcome 'borntoshine' - When you mentioned flushing until get stronger, you mean continue to water for awhile longer B4 adding Nutes? I already added a teaspoon to a gal. of water but didn't water it too crazy so it has the perfect amount of nutrients. I will add nutes...
To my new found buddy "HereticHero" meet my other new found buddy, "Jbeargummikiller" - this is the guy who maybe has the exact same strain as yours. You can hit him up 4rm time2time2see if he finds out the name. He is also the guy who gave me courage to start growing.
Wat Up Jbeargummikiller...
Great Pot knowledge Pot-Heads, keep bringing great informative information - I truly did enjoy this post as I was wondering about pot sizes. I was told to start small and transplant which I think I will stick to until I experiment, which I should do for the heck of it.
O.k. here are some pics of yellowing of the 1st set of leaves(bottom) and then pics of yellowing leaf as it's sort of decomposing-like - .
And here is a sneak preview of my forth coming week(1st day) - . They say to be patient when dealing with organics with regards to growth but, I beg the...
Hello to all! I am back with an update on my "Batman 0.G." plant. It is it's 3rd wk anniversary and so I decided to introduce it to some nutrients-half the dosage recommended poured into a gal. of water then poured to my liking as if it was a normal watering. I plan on using the mix every...
Thanks for the responses fellas! To "fish425" I'll be sending you a message soon. To "HereticHero" - I can get the name for you later on 2day and will post back in here. All I know is that I got this plant as a gift. I will get info a.s.a.p. - It is a nice looking strain by the way, I will...
A very good question for 1st time growers as I am also going through this problem as we write. My plant is on it's 3rd week and will be exactly 3wk's in a couple days - Although I heard of this prior to growing, I...
It feels so good to join a community of growers from around the world so that we can all learn 4rm each other so, welcome everyone and thanks for welcoming me in advance....Quick Story: I 1st received my medical card back in '06', expired a year after and never got it again. During that time I...