• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

1st Grow, check it out!

Styles T

Active Member
It feels so good to join a community of growers from around the world so that we can all learn 4rm each other so, welcome everyone and thanks for welcoming me in advance....Quick Story: I 1st received my medical card back in '06', expired a year after and never got it again. During that time I could have been growing but chose not to because didn't want neighbors to smell the scent and I wasn't that knowledgeable of knowing how to contain the smell. I ran into a guy recently that happened to be growing and he was telling me about how I could contain the smell and I got so happy & just took off with it the following day or so. I happened to save some bomb seeds 4rm some bomb treez I once got 4rm a buddy. I believe this strain is grown mostly outdoors but it's BOMB! This stuff grows that good bling that we all so desire and it will knock you out, best believe! Anyway, the pics I will be displaying will be of my very 1st grow that failed on me due to adding nutrients@an early stage, adding too much and adding them the wrong way@that - I will also be showing a plant I received as a gift(which also died) and my new found plant that will not fail on me(lets hope)!

2weeks(14 days) "Batman 0.G."
Murrieta-20120419-01730.jpgMurrieta-20120419-01731.jpg IMG-20120412-01561.jpgbatmantvshowavatar.gif
4rm left2right are pics of my new plant that I currently call "Batman 0G". Ever since it's been growing, every set of leaves shapes into a bat wing. She is 2weeks strong on it's 3rd. Also on the right pic(2nd) you will notice a healing womb(left wing). My son(1yr.) was trying to enter my closet and I accidentally knocked over the plant while trying to move him away. It had to waste a bit of energy healing itself but still was able to continue growing nicely. Funny thing is that when the plant knocked over, it was exactly on the 7th day which is when my 1st project died(interesting)...

0lder Plant - 1week(7days) B4 it died. New Plant a week ago(far right)
Murrieta-20120321-01412.jpgIMG-20120329-01460.jpgIMG-20120329-01470.jpgIMG-20120331-01473.jpg COMPARE IMG-20120408-01535.jpg
4rm left2right is my 1st attempt a week b4 I started my new plant which is 4rm the same strain. I'm assuming that my new plant is a female opposed to it's characteristics of my 1st one. The leaves of my 1st plant were more strong and more manly looking oppose to my new one. The furthest picture to the right is my new one a week ago-The reason why I am showing you this pic, is so that you can look at the different traits even though it's 4rm the same strain. Let me know if you think my new one is a lady.

This plant here was given to me 4rm the same buddy who motivated and is mentoring me a bit on growing. The 1st pic you see is when he 1st had given me the plant and the next two is how they looked a week of taking care of them myself. Real nice up until I decided to give the plants a treat-read story up top if haven't yet done so.

As I'm writing this, my new plants 1st set of leaves are starting to tuck in nicely. I believe the pistols are helping with that. I'm glad because I was scared that the leaves were gonna grow too long and ugly. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read and look at some pics of my 1st experience in growing these bad girls! I will be updating this thread to display progress on a weekly basis so, sit back & enjoy and "HAPPY 420"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



they look good 4 a newbee b patient with them just like child good luck u can cover that stem up with medium and lite on the fertz 1/4 after 3weeks progress 2 1/2 every other watering and watch ow tgey respond need any help send a msg. peace out:)


Active Member
The one you got as a gift looks exactly like the strain im growing. could you tell me what it is? I got my seeds straight from jamaica.

Styles T

Active Member
Thanks for the responses fellas! To "fish425" I'll be sending you a message soon. To "HereticHero" - I can get the name for you later on 2day and will post back in here. All I know is that I got this plant as a gift. I will get info a.s.a.p. - It is a nice looking strain by the way, I will try to post a pic of how it looks in it's budding stage...

Styles T

Active Member
Hello to all! I am back with an update on my "Batman 0.G." plant. It is it's 3rd wk anniversary and so I decided to introduce it to some nutrients-half the dosage recommended poured into a gal. of water then poured to my liking as if it was a normal watering. I plan on using the mix every other watering. I used BioThirve 'Grow' by "General Organics". 4rm left to right I will be displaying a few pics earlier during the week till the end of the week. You will notice that the 1st two leaves are really yellow and are diseased severely! Hrs after adding nutrients, one of the 1st two leaves starts to decompose if you will. I pictured them falling off but I guess the nutrients were too strong for those weak leaves. I really can't wait till they die off cause they are not a pretty site!

This week It grew another set of fan leaves but this time with five leaves oppose to three 4rm the 1st set of fan leaves-it's also starting to grow another set, getting ready for it's forth week venture. You will also see some pics I took in the sun as I was giving the plant a few hours of sun bathe.


Murrieta-20120425-01855.jpgMurrieta-20120425-01858.jpgMurrieta-20120425-01872.jpgMurrieta-20120425-01875.jpgMurrieta-20120425-01885.jpg Ya'll probably already notice the yellowing of the 1st set of leaves(bottom) but here is some pics of the yellowing - B4 they started decomposing and while decomposing hours after adding nutrients...Uploading problem-I'll try to upload them on a new reply message...

Styles T

Active Member
O.k. here are some pics of yellowing of the 1st set of leaves(bottom) and then pics of yellowing leaf as it's sort of decomposing-like - Murrieta-20120423-01812.jpgMurrieta-20120425-01851.jpgMurrieta-20120425-01896.jpg.

And here is a sneak preview of my forth coming week(1st day) - Murrieta-20120426-01908.jpg. They say to be patient when dealing with organics with regards to growth but, I beg the differ! I am seeing fast results. 1day after & the plants look a lot healthier, the branches are starting to branch out more and it smells like it's cooking, um um ummm!!! Stay tuned once again and please continue to give tips and what not(if have any) when observing my plant. Till Then...
Yo T., Your Grow is coming along nicely man good luck on the rest and remember you have an entire community of growers behind you with the knowledge. All you gotta do is ask haha

Styles T

Active Member
To my new found buddy "HereticHero" meet my other new found buddy, "Jbeargummikiller" - this is the guy who maybe has the exact same strain as yours. You can hit him up 4rm time2time2see if he finds out the name. He is also the guy who gave me courage to start growing.

Wat Up Jbeargummikiller 0.G.! Glad you found me now lets grow sum sticky shall we!


Active Member
Welcome! Glad you like the website.. I would flush the babies until they get stronger, and when they are, don't put as much nutrients. Goodluck and keep updating.

Styles T

Active Member
Thanks for the warm welcome 'borntoshine' - When you mentioned flushing until get stronger, you mean continue to water for awhile longer B4 adding Nutes? I already added a teaspoon to a gal. of water but didn't water it too crazy so it has the perfect amount of nutrients. I will add nutes every third watering & see how that works and I will def continue to update...

Are those your plants in your profile pic? If so, dizam!!!

Styles T

Active Member
O.K. s0 I'm back with an update finally! I've been very busy this past week. 0nce was known as Batman 0.G. is now called "Super-BatMan 0.G."- It is now a month & five days. This strain seems to be very tough. I decided to transplant into a bigger pot(1gal.) and switch up the soil due to the plant looking as if it needed some more room, which I planned on doing anyhow since it's month anniversary was coming up. Anyway within hours the plant starts back up again(growing). When I had woke up the following day, man was there a big difference! You Def want to create space for the roots to breath easier and help assist with the foliage(bloom).
I had to see what the big hype was about with this "Farm Fox Ocean Forest" - I must say, I am very impressed with this soil. It's nice & moist and I found out it has 'Bat Guano' which I heard is real good to use and I am noticing. So! my 1st transplant went rather well. Here are some pics...I will also be displaying how it looked after transplanting, I believe the foliage was a bit wet B4 which is why they were drooping:

"Super-BatMan 0.G." 1month 5days:
New Plant "Cheese Wreck" 5days 0ld:

See how the foliage just bloomed within a few days. I consider myself a natural because after years of learning music it helped me to understand about "less is more". The only reason why I added too much nutes to my 1st project is because I didn't take the time to understand how much and how to apply the nutes. I just assumed and I was wrong. But other than that, I don't overdue@all. I don't even use a 'timer' because I like to keep it as natural as possible. The Sun doesn't hit the same exact spot the exact same time-It might be a minute later, seconds later, as long as you don't wait too long. I think timers are good for when you know you will be away 4rm home 4awhile. Well, till next time...

