Hey guys, i am having a problem with my seeds. I plant them in rock wool or rapid rooter sponges after they crack and show root. I have even put them in my Aerogarden and they never seem develop or sprout. Could i be soaking the seeds too long and damaging the roots. This is my thred...
I would soak them for 12 hrs . After that i transfer them to a damp wash rag and put it in a plastic bag. Then i lay it in my seed starting tray with a seed heating mat under it and i put the dome on. Be sure to put it in a dark place. I check them every day after that.
I have had the same problem. The seeds will crack and show root and then nothing. I had one that had 1/2" root and still did not shed its seed casing. When i tried to remove it the hole head snapped off. Talk about a bummer. I think part of my problem is that i have been soaking my seeds too...
The green ground wire is connected to the bottom prong on your plug. When you plug it in to the outlet the outlet has a ground wire as well which goes to a grounding block in your breaker panel. Usually Black is the hot wire (+) and the white is neutral (-) and green is ground.
I think i may have been soaking my seeds too long. I have been soaking them for 24-48 hrs or until they cracked and started to show root. I noticed that Green House Seed Co says to only soak them for 12hrs.
You can do a emergency flush. Use ph adjusted water with some flushing agent and a air stone in the res for 2-3 days before harvest. If you don't flush your smoke will be harsh a taste like shit because the buds will still be full of nutes.
check your lights. So far my ag has worked fine.
when it comes to germn. i just take the seeds and drop them in only a cm down in the sponge......i put the ag on germ mode and let it do its thing.....a few days later ull be gold.
if by a chance still your plant "flips" just be carefull and...
Yeah, i was thinking the same thing.I will only soak them for 12 hrs. I have some fresh seeds soaking right now. I got some of this suff in today that i am going to try with some of seeds. Seed Germination Tips and Techniques - Seed Germination Products.
This is the way the Green House Seed Co recommends you start your seeds WWW.GREENHOUSESEEDS.NL - Green House Seed Co. Amsterdam Since 1985. It could be the seeds or your method. I did not have good luck with paper towel, it is too easy to get too wet. I soak mine in a cup of distilled water for...
I have two Aerogarden deluxe's that i am using for vegging seedlings, clones and mothers. I would recommend germing them first. After they start to show the root, plant them in the AG with the root pointing down. Here is a good germination method WWW.GREENHOUSESEEDS.NL - Green House Seed Co...