The top of the sponges will turn green because the light is shining on your plants and some algae will grow on the top of the sponges. That is why you have to use the labels that cover the top of the pods to keep the algae to a minimum. In the spots that you are not growing in just put the pods...
I use a pH of 5.8 and i check the pH every morning and top off the rez with pH adjusted distilled water only. I started feeding my seedlings 1/4 strength Foxfam nutes with Liquid Carma and SubCulture 4-7 days after sprout and then building up to 1/2 strength the next week and then full strength...
What do want to know? I am using my two PRO200's for starting seedlings, vegging clones and mothers in a XS Homebox. I have a S Homebox with a 2x2 ebb and flood tray under a 400W Super HPS with a 6" duct fan and CO2 that i use for flowering the clones that i take off of the mothers in the AG. I...
The coiled copper in the nute tank that you are referring to for a chiller is used in brewing ALE. It is called a wort chiller and a premade one and can be purchased at a brew supply shop. How they are used in brewing beer is that the 3/8 coiled copper tubing is put into the vat of beer wort and...
The colas are the biggest buds on the plant. I would want 2. I use my two AG deluxes to start my seedlings and veg clones and mothers. I actually use a 2x2 ebb and flood tray with a 400w HPS for flowering the clones that i take off of the mothers and i use the SOG method. I would keep the pH...
I grow hydro so i am not too sure but i believe i have read that you should flush with 2X the volume of your pots and use 1/4 strenght nutes or plain pH adjusted water if you grow in soil or soilless mix . For hydro i use distilled pH adjusted water with a hydro flushing solution added.
All it takes is a basic understanding of collage organic chemistry. Just about any collage chemistry student can make it. The problem is getting the right chemicals to make it with out getting busted. The Clandestine Chemist's Notebook and Erowid Online Books : "PIHKAL" - #109 MDMA It is very...
You would be better of foliar feeding the carbonated water and a spray bottle for C02. I would definitely flush with a mild nute solution and make sure my pH is good. It could be a build up of salts and they could be nute locked.
Cutting off large fan and shade leaves is going to hurt your plant not help it. Plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food. Removing leaves slows chlorophyll production, stresses the plant and stunts growth. Remove only dead leaves that are more than 50%...
I can only tell you what i have used in the past and it has worked for me every time. I have never failed a drug test using Ready Clean. I have used it since 1990. It really does work if you follow the directions.
That's a bunch of BS. If you smoke on a regular basis the THC is stored in your fatty tissues and WILL SHOW UP ON A DRUG SCREAN. Just drinking water and green tea is not going to get rid of THC alone. I had a friend that smokes just as much as i do and we smoke like every day at least once a...
If you need to take a piss test soon you can buy some stuff called Ready Clean. You can buy it a any head shop for $50 or at a Health food store for $20. They keep it where they sell stuff to detoxify and cleanse your body. They have a 100% money back guarantee if you fail. All you do is drink a...
If your temps are too hot it will slow growth. Sounds like with four 1000w lights they are putting out some heat. If your temps are high try bring them down with fans and more ventilation or possibly a A/C. You might think about using CO2 as well. I would also check pH and ppm. Also if your...
Sounds pretty wild. The only thing i did similar was some acid on really thick paper called world but it did not taste like coco. Talk about trippin. I have done chocolate mescaline but that was a powder.