Just dont use too much and I would at least go plain water the last 7 days or you will taste it in your final product. Unless of coarse you use a flushing solution.
www.sanniesshop.com I use this place exclusively unless I need a particular genetic in my garden. Best genetics around at better prices than other seed banks, straight from the breeder himself. you won't find better customer service also, sannie just won't let you down.
Someone on here is telling people to really nitrogen up during flowering and during the flush to use a mild nutrient solution, and they keep telling newbs this crap!
I've never sent sannie cash in the mail, always went through his checkout with pay pal. A couple years ago I sent cash to another seed bank in Europe, and it came out that a postal worker in the US post office stole the cash and scanned it as delivered. The envelope never arrived in Europe. I...
Were talking about weed here again, not tabacco. I don't need your bad advise and most here would probably agree. This must be your first year, take a seat boy and learn somthing.
Ummm flushing with a mild nute solution before harvest? Thats plain wrong as you would be adding more salt bonds to the medium, you use plain water as other people have already told you the same thing. And were not talking salad here bro, have you ever tried smoking your salad? Try smoking it...
Why do you keep dodging the point that you are speading bad information to newbs trying to learn, that is what this is all about. I don't need respect, but when someone goes around spreading false information to new people trying to learn I will correct them. Now take your correction like a man...
is that all you got? 1 of my pictures? You must be embaressed about your over nuted small bud plant that your picking tommarow. Well I guess I don't know shit according to you
And before you go shouting small buds, this was a winter greenhouse grow where temps would reach -15 outside...
nitrogen is not called chlorophyll, and no, nitrogen takes a back seat during flowering. Learn a little more before you give bad info to someone actually trying to learn how to grow good pot.
Um ok, you only flush with a mild nute solution when doing a monthly flush, not the flush before harvest. But by the pictures of your plants you like to have small buds and nitrogen in your finished product. Did you misread that section in your cervantes book?
Well I only got it one time in the late 90's. It was a little more fluffy than your buds and was a lighter green color. But when you exhale it tasted like you had a thin layer of chocolate coating your tounge. I'm growing chocolate rain this year in hopes of finding this chocolate bud again.
Well just by his first comment I highly doubt he has 10 years of experience, mabey 1 year if that. You learn very early on that when you have burnt leaf tips like in his picture when harvesting you will taste it in the end. Also with so much nitrogen during flowering you create lush soft green...