ouch! your harvesting those tomarrow? Your plants are over fertilized and will taste like crap and crackle pop no matter how you cure them. Making tasty buds comes far before the curing proccess. When you take them to the edge like that with nitrogen you inhibit flower growth, but of coarse you...
So you like nitrogen in your finished product?LOL you must not know how to flush! this plant is about 1 week away from harvest and came out super dank. Good luck on your learning process, grab a good book and learn something about growing weed and making it tasty.
You should really stay away from Nirvana, just look them up there are many threads here about them. You shouldn't decide on a seed bank just because the seeds crack. Its all about genetics
Madonna from sannie
What up GKN, Your right man I just finished a seed run with two plants because I couldn't decide wich one to use. I got easily 200-300 seeds per plant. 3 weeks after harvest my seeds are popping.
I pollinated after about 2 weeks of flower, they finished in about 7 weeks after pollination. I got a ton load of tiger striped nice looking seeds. So 3 days ago I put 3 more seeds into the wet paper towel and already 2 of them germinated. I guess the trick was to wait and let them dry out a...
Hope you dont mind but I'd like to rep them outdoor growers
The first pic is Extrema (HerijuanaXChemD), the second pic shows a Cheeseberry (UK CheeseX DJ shorts Blueberry) in the back.
When doing a cross of say strain A with strain B, what will be the differences if I use A pollen on B or use B pollen on A? The genetics should be different right? or will they come out the same?
yeah some of hemp depot stuff is WAY over priced like Serious seeds white russian for example. But I've heard good things about there cheaper lines like Joey weed. I grew out some ak47 x NL/ haze from them and it was cool. But once I went to Sannies (and I've bought from a lot of other sources...
Yep I got the blue hash, white widow and cali hash, attitude freebees last year. Currently all plants are 6ft tal and big as shit! I hope my buds turn out like yours.