this is a nice seedling i think she could handle a light dosage cut in half example 1tsp to 1 gal is the light i would use 0.5tsp to gal if this starts to burn ur plants hold off on the fertz till she get alittle bigger to handle a xtra light feeding
after u moved the herm to a seperate area u can just let it do its thing and keep flowering the seeds will devlope in the buds when ripe the seeds should fall out but i just got some semi seeded bud that u really had to break the weed down to the stem and the seeds where tucked in there nice and...
how big depends on a few factors like strain and how long u veg it for. Now the pot issues find something that will fit ur space i like 3 gal garden pots in my 4'x4'x7' with a 250w mh my pots sit in a 2x3 arrangement they measured at 1' foot diameters my light can support 3x3 ok but 2x2 is mor...
if u plant in store bought soil most do provide fertz for plants that should hold them atleast 2-3 weeks then i would wait at least another week then add fertz try to use a light dosage on young seedlings otherwise u will be right back here asking what are these spots on the tips of the leaves
1-3 of them might die left in this state but if this is just a dry run u should start to flower after u see pre flowers or can properly sex them just go about normal and the plants will decide which of them is the strongest ur soil my dry out a bit quicker so be mindful of this
ive often read on here that MG is not really an idea food i also made this mistake my first grow used MG light strangth and it still reaked havic on my girls
lol growing is about learning from mistakes we all make em from time to time i say the root balls might already be tangled i dont want to tell u to dig em up this might cause them to die but if u do feel like u want to lightly dig around 1 and see if u can get a root ball out with out too much...
i always wanted to ride a big dog like a horse with a cap gun and cowboy hat i never got to realize that dream i was attked then grew very affraid of them
i got this pic off google years ago i really think its photoshoped if not i can only prey to ever see an actual plant this color i would give up my first born to smoke some :)
are they all in the same pot? this is never a good idea the plants will compeat for nutes and growing roots will tangle and this could cause one or all ur plants to die i keep my lights on 24 for 2 weeks or till my clones root then i would switch to a 20/4 or 18/6 and decresse by one hour every...
now thats a more suitable RH 31 is kinda low imo i like to shoot for around 50 but at the moment my RH is rather high 57-71
im on a constent look out for mold i also use a fan running all night while the lights r off to keep the RH manageable