Imo theres no "maximum" amount of plants(within reason), as long as you fill the canopy it should be good. for me any light that makes it to the floor is wasted. but with the 400 since it has less penetration i would go with more small plants rather then fewer bigger plants.
Well I dont know much about this. although I'm planning to do it in the future, all i can do is point you in the right direction. Heres the link : the guy who started it is a pretty cool guy im sure he...
If you dont get them by then they will send you another pack. I had this happen once, then the day after they sent the new pack the originals came. I emailed them and they said not to worrie about it i could just keep them. I order with a card and the 2 other times i ordered they both got to...
I put all the weed im using in a pile in the middle of the paper
then using your finger split the pile into two equal piles on both ends of the joint
when you start to roll it pushes the weed over and fills the middle
if done correctly it will be evenly packed, and strait as a cig.