I agree 100% , if you ever feel you need help with something, and dont feel like starting a thread just give me or one of these guys a pm and we will help with erverything we can. Welcome to the site!!!
Well ive never even seen a dispensary, so i cant argue one way or the other but, seems to me that even if the bill passes you will still be able to legally grow and smoke so..... Idk. My state sucks, i dont have any of those freedoms, so maybe you cant have your cake and eat it too, but you...
huh, i always cough that much wile hitting out of bongs(not to the point of puking) But it has always got me higher quicker, my mom always told me you gota couph to get off. lol
lol I'll admit that rollers are nice and will make you lazy lol, but when you get good at rolling you can pop them out just as fast,maybe even faster in some cases. Some ppl just cant learn to roll though, (i know ive tried to teach a few of them lol