dont get me wrong i love america. i hate our government out forefathers didnt want this and knew it would happen and tried to stop it but our governmet controlls the world. i view our government like hitler.
we cant do shit without bein labeled misfits and out of control drug addicts. so maybe thats what i am? all i know is im not going to sit by and take this anymore. my only life goal is make a dent in the legalization of marijuana. and one more quick question. why are tobbaco and alcohol legal...
why is marijuana illegal? anybody know? because it cant be taxed or controlled or maybe its because it will bring to much peace in this world? maybe because its a great med with very few side effects? idk nobody knows but the government. all i know is im tierd of sitting by and haveing people...
yup. i have transplanted into a shot glass and have my seedling in my window seal because im worryd about the frost. 60 degrees today. im working on a very stealthy grow space so i can still grow.
ok well heres my plan. im going to keep my baby outdoors and if somehow i dont get put back on probation ill move her inside and if i do then ill put her in the woods just for the hell of it.
and you got some fake ass friends. time to start chooseing more wisely. ive been there also and might still be. never know and never never never let anyone know about your grow inless you absolutly have to.