its been 8 days since a put a pic on here. im back from that place i was and my baby was doing good. ive recently transplanted her into a foam cup because ill be takeing her into the woods tomorrow. post more pics then. started germing 8 seeds today in warm water.
i took my little one in woods because i was leaving and some damn dear eat it! now im gone and hopeing my baby makes it till friday when i can water. its been 3 days with out water and 2 more to go...
i started a DMT thread not to long ago trying to get more tips, and it was deleted. im not trying to start shit because i love RIU. i would like to know why tho? its bugging me because its a very safe of a drug, its even in our brain. but what im trying to get at is could you explain this to me?
this makes sense to me. if i was in cali i would have a mmj card but i would still vote yes because its a big step tords marijuana bein legal in the u.s.a
like i stated smart ass i dont live in cali and dont know much about the prop 19. and if you didnt notice i was asking a question so whos the dumb one? this place seems to be full of smart ass's. now befor someone goes off about that, just some people are. what ever happend to the peace that...