The strains that i have growing right now that are supposed to be really strong are Romulan, ICE, White Widow and Northern Lights x Skunk #1. I am 2 weeks away from taking clones off of my mothers. I will let you know how they turn out when my first batch is ready.
Guy's the best kind of t-stat to wire in parallel to your exhaust fan is a attic exhaust fan t-stat which is a line voltage t-stat for 120v. You can buy them at Home Depot by the attic fans. A regular t-stat for a residential home works off of 24v control voltage and it could fry the t-stat if...
Check out the Homebox - universal indoor grow box kit. I have had very good results with mine. It was worth the investment. The Hydrohuts walls contain some type of PVC that puts out a vapor that kills your plants when it gets hot from what i have read. The Homebox does not...
Can anyone tell me where i can find season 13 on DVD? The episode is called "Weekend a Burnsie's". It is the episode where Homer gets prescribed medicinal marijuana and the bus driver moves in their attic. Homer and the bus driver are smoke out on a bong all the time.:blsmoke: I have only seen...
I use a HANNA pH and ppm combo meter Hanna Instruments Combo tester at Sunburst Hydroponics. It really makes a big difference. It was worth the investment.
I had a cop find a big fat hog leg that i had just rolled when he searched me.I was going to see Pantera and a out door amphitheater. I had put it in a pack of smokes and had forgotten to take it out before i went through the gate. The cop opened up the pack and smiled and said it looks like we...
I have been reading up on cloning in my Jorge Cervantes 2008 grow bible in the cloning section, since i am almost at that point in my grow. That's where i got the info on cutting the fan leaves and keeping the medium evenly moist to prevent cut leaves from bleeding out sugars. It made since but...
It is now legal to use, posses and grow small amounts of mj in Germany and Switzerland.
Legal Marijuana Use in Switzerland: Cabinet Gives Okay, Next Step is Parliamentary Approval and » Berlin FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on Berlin - Berlin Guide in English and MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom...
I don't know if you guys have ran into this but the Foxfarm nutes start to clog the pump and the channel the the water runs through to each pod. I have been taking the pump apart and cleaning it every other nute change. And i am also starting to remove all of the small phillips screws out and...
I guess i misunderstood you. I personally don't think that it will stunt or stress the plant that much knowing that you can cut the leaves in 1/2 for starting clones and it doesn't seem to stress new clones much. I think that cutting the fan leaves in 1/2 would be better than removing them...
When cloning you can cut the fan leaves in 1/2 to lower transpiration and keep them from overlapping. Over lapping leaves can foster fungus which can get trapped in between the leaves. Just keep your medium evenly moist to prevent the cut leaves from bleeding out sugars that can attract disease.