as far as i know. yea the browning of the seeds is the only thing to really go by... there may be sum1 with more info on that.. but im pretty sure thats the only real way 2 tell if the seeds are done or not. =/
yeaaa maybe sum ssh did sneek in. lol. cuz i did get a pretty nice yield off it tho. =) that was 1 thing i was very happy with. lol and heyy man its allll goood. the indica version was sum of the best stuff ive smoked... every1 else agreed with me on that 1 as well. hahaha. sooo it was worth it...
just transplanted the bigger plants. (jack herrer/full moom mom/ak 48 mom/sensi star/warlock/black sour bubble x caseyband). into organic soil with sum organic plant food mixed in with the soil. hoping they enjoy the xtra room to grow. =) going to take a clone from the jack herrer and the BSB...
yeaa i was going to say that... maybe it got a lil too dry... but still.. the high would not be affected by a bad cure... oo well. cant really complain tho. i mean ive grown quite a few strains.. adn they have all been amazing. sooo 1 "not to good" strain out of however many plants ive grown...
its not horrible.. but it doesnt compare to anythign else ive grown. =/ smells like hay.. =/ the smokes good tho. it burns great.. very smooth. but no real taste.. and the high isnt really that great.. as far as quality. it is the lowest quality stuff ive grown. =/ its so weird cuz the...
im startin a few new seeds now. have a few that sprouted... got 1 Qrazy Quake (CheeseQuake x Qrazy Train) 3 Lemon Qleaner (Jacks Qleaner x sumting. i 4get. lol) and have 4 Romulan Seeds Germing... and will be starting antoehr strain soon. just not sure which one yet... lol. my flowering room is...
lmao. good story man... hahaha. i made a batch of cookies for the 1st time this year for 4/20.... and mannn... my younger sister and her friend wanted sum... adn i ened up makin alot more than i needed for me adn my gf.. soo i gave them 3 each..... hahahaha... within an hour my sis was sleeping...
almost there man. couple more weeks to go! =D like the LST method you did. =) ive grown bubblicious a few times.. nevre had a "bubblegum" taste... but it does have a very nice sweety candy-like taste. =) and a great long lasting high
i would give it another week. and THEN do the flush. =) if ur hurting for smoke.. u can chop off a small bottom bud/branch today.. and dry it out. soo u have sumthing to smoke while ur flushin. =) up 2 u. i tend to do that alot tho. lol. your plant will be happy with the xtra week of growth...
yeaa in my post i said all teh pic are labeled (except for 1) just keep the mouse over the pic and it will show u the name.. the budshot ur talkin about is called Crazy Kush. =) and it does look amazing. and noo ive never tried CC's Pre 98. does look great tho. im sure sum1 on here has grown it...
heres a few pics of the BB sativa buds. the camera actually makes it look a lil better. lol. it looks like mids tho.. ive had a couple ppl ask me if it was mids. =/ heres a few pics.
heres a few pics ive collected throught this site and other sites. **I DID NOT GROW ANY OF THESE**
**all the pics are labeled with names and growers. enjoyyyy **
hope you guys enjoy the picsssss. just thougth it would liven up the thread a lil
yeaa man those are deff seeds. weird that its only 1 bud that has them tho...? but you still have a few more weeks my friend.. those seeds will eventually brown up... and theyll look like real seeds.. brown with black stripes. those will help you tell wen theyre ready. =)
about another week...
awesome man! youll b very happy with them! im gonna germ sum more soon. just wanna see how many platns i have at the moment and make sure it doesnt get too over crowded again. but those are deff next in the lineup!!
yeaa a few ppl really like that strain.. it grew nicely.. but idk... as far...