lol. thanks man. i was originally just gonna make it say whos got the best looking buds... but frostiest sounded better (actually.. if u look closely at the title... i was very high wen i had created it.. and made a type-O... is sais whos got the **Fostiest** buds... lmao... not frostiest...
thanks man. theyre gonna really darken up once they dry/cure. =)
yeaa she seems to be growing really nicely! =) excited to see sum color in her. even if it only has light tints of pink/purple... ill be happy. this is exactly wat i was hopin for! i lucked out! only had 1 seed germ... and it...
yeaa thjel look pretty good. =) just wish i coulda let them go a lil longer... =/ but yeaa im hopin sum of that DNA is passed on to the crosses!!
thanks. and ive only grown 3.... the fisrt one was from the F1's... adn i got the green pheno. and the other 2 were from the pack of F2's. which...
ooo ok. ur doin big things then huh...? lol. mann. wish i had space/room to do a bigger grow!! >=( stuck with a closet and a grow box for now.... one day..
heres the rest of the harvest pics. =) the buds on the left for dead video game case are the rotted buds that i dont wanna keep.. is it safe to use for hash??
thats all i got for pics. ill post more up as they dry/cure. =)
i think 2 weeks should be fine and then u can start flushing. =) and no i have not used that before? try googling it. see if u can find anything on it. but yeaa 2 weeks should be plenty time man.
wat are u using for light?? =/ sorry 2 say mann... but youve still got a while to go... some...
yeaa its deff gotta be high humidity. =/ with all the new plants.. adn the water run off from wen i water. with all those plants in there musta raised the humidity alot. =/ i just finished harvesting tho... wasnt as bad as i thoyught.. but still lost a decent amount. postin pics noww
gotta go get my gf from work so she can go pck up her car. but heres a few pcs i took. mostly the floja. and a fwe of the BSB cross. tred gettin the purple/pnk to show up on the BSB but ts very hard. =/ t will be easer as the weeks go on tho. but for now. heres sumthin. ll post more pics laterrrr.
ughhh.. fuckkk meeee!!! flojas gotta come down today......... >=/ found a nanner.. and as i was lookin for more... i was looking deeper into the buds.... adn noticed sum bud rot!!!! checked a lil further down... adn found sum more.. =*( ive never had this problem before... and i still do...
yeaa they should be FEM seeds.. since there was no real male.... but they "may" be prone to hermie. soo jsut be extra careful making sure theres no light leaks... or anything else that could stress teh plant out. =) adn you should be fine! i would grow them for sure. lol
i would start flushing in about a week. and flush for about a 1-2 weeks.. depending on how they look. cuz theyre pretty close to bein ready. =). and yeaa sum molasses wouldnt hurt. =) u can use molasses all the way up till the last day. u do not need to flush that out. soo if u wanna use the...
you guys should both make the homemade Co2. i'm actually going to make sum more 2morrow.. just get a 2 liter soda bottle... empty it out... pout it about 1 cup of sugar... and 1 tablespoon of dry yeast. and then fill up the bottle about 3/4 of the way up with warm water.. shake it up (with ur...
yeaa im really really happy! i couldnt notice the pink/purple under the HPS lighting.. but once i pulled it out to take a clone... i was like hmmmmm.... wait a minute...? lol. im hopin urs is female too man! i only had 1 seed germ. and i lucked out. it was a female
=/ that is a lil high man.. but with the help of the Co2... and the fans... it should be ok for a lil bit.. summers ending and the cooloer air/weathers comin sooo hopefully that will also help. my temps get up pretty high as well.. in the 90s. and my plants do ok. i have a fan blowing right...
heyyy watsup HC? yeaa i looked at the top (clone) i took off the BSB cross... adn it finally started wilting away... =( soo it didnt make it.. soo i went into the flower room and just cut off another branch. hopin this 1 will root. =D but as i was inspecting her to find the best branch to...
id give it about 2 more weeks man. shes still got sum filling out to do. =) she will pack on a good amount of weight for ya! looks nice tho. wat strain is she?
yeaa lookin at the pics i was gonna say a 2-3 weeks... and now that youve said youve only been flowering for 5 weeks.... then DEFF let...
nice lineup man!! cant wait to see the ak 48 and the NL too.. my NL's are growin very fast. outta the 12 nirvana plants... the 3 northern lights are fillin out and have nice orange hairs poppin up everywhere.. and are frostin up nice too.. while all the others are still just begining to fill...
lookin good man!! those caseybands x c4's are gettin pretty big man! they look nice and healthy too! =) and yeaa the BB hermie is pretty big!! looks like youll have a nice amount of seeds from them too man! niicie. =D alotta the seed slook pretty much done.. u should pull a few out and see how...
yeaa man. so far so good! waitin for this floja to hurry up and finish up!! lol. seems like its takin forever. got a qrazy quake goin. only a week or so. then got a few lemon qleaners as well. and hopin a few roms will germ. gonna take a cloine off the bsb cross today and a full moon cross and...