If you want to know more: https://www.facebook.com/mobileprotection?source=mobile_mirror_nux#!/events/633165166700915/637166972967401/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
Yeah, it's fartbook but you are probably there too... hopefully on your Tor browser and not with any personal info.
You sure seem to be so knowledgeable from your armchair. Would love for yoy to show up and support this man. .. and yea nullification sets a future precident for other "cases". A Rastafarian in NH cultivated and the 'law became obsolete for religious purposes. Whether you like the guy or not...
If you still don't see the implications of this and how much it means to YOU and others being persecuted then ask please. Nullification is THE MOST POWERFUL tool not only for...
I didn't mean to hijack this thread, and still don't. I do want to share something else too though. http://www.cannabisculture.com/content/2013/04/15/Activist-Facing-81-Years-Admits-Selling-Pot-Seeks-Jury-Nullification
I also came back to edit this again to say that your Amerkia, is all that is...
Okay, soooo, you ARE AWARE of BITCOIN, LITECOIN and other barter methods such as Shire Silver... right? I can tell you certainly that these barter methods are being used with regularity, daily all over the world. Moscow (yeah, they looooove their government there too) is the highest use place...
They don't stop there... and they make the best and most valid points I've heard to date. Gutsy? Hell yeah. The guy in the leather jacket is looking at 82 years for distribution. He is Rich Paul from the 420 Foundation (420Foundation.org) Ian Freeman from FreeTalkLive.com and even a State...
post on weed sites please!!!!!
Sorry but just One Day - Jan. 7th - left and the " Blue Light Gang" are monitoring our posts and are going nation wide asking all cops forums to preventing Amanda from being nominated and to stop the NH liberty activists who are PRO Weed and even the non-users...
I haven't done it from seed in forever... I kept mine in a humidity dome for a while, like an inch or so... may be old info and not accurate but I had no worries, ever, except the usual newbie over-watering stuff. Light means very little until she sprouts, then hit her with everything you've...
If you keep doing what you are doing, your weed will be wonderous... my White Rhino always does that to the EXTREME and it makes me smile knowing that she will be blessing us all with some delicious love soon.
I could be wrong but I used to get that when I had a mag deficiency. I stir in a bit of Epsom Salts (yeah, along with my full line of Cyco nutrients. its good stuff (don't be afraid that it costs so little because it works better than the stuff that is far more costly).
Since you obviously did not READ, I was answering something else. Perhaps getting a clue before you open an oversized mouth and prove yourself as well... well, I think everyone sees. Hope that helped.