this is my second grow and first time using cyco , i have heard nothing but good things about it, my last grow i used advanced and had help from my brother , this grow i would really like to do myself and really nail it down to a science , if there is anyone out there that is willing to help me set up a feeding schedule it would be greatly app.
Cyco literally GIVES you the schedule on the site (and on the inside cover of the prokit). Rooms and enviornments will be diferent. My buddy waters every four days, nutes every four days. Another buddy nutes twice a week (but I didn't ask (and I will) how much nutes she gives)... I follow the one at and printed out the schedule. It MAKE SIT SIMPLE AS PIE!!! If I follow the schedule like they say to (in my veg I need less water/nutes (volume, not less nutes), in flower I need more water/nutes) so I have to change it up a bit.
This may get clarified as I trudge the happy road of destiny so I caution or suggest that individuals do follow Cyco's schedule EXACTLY . The only thing I'd add to this line up is some mag which was mentioned by a brilliant RIU guy earlier, Epsom Salts. Epsom salts = cheap and pure (but make sure if you reuse your coco that you rinse it like you do with AN or any other... it's the salts dude... the salts are what needs the rinsing... anyway, about 1 - 1.25 ml scoop of epsom salts to litre of nicely ph'd water, about 2 tablespoons to 5 gallons). If you don't use the mag, then by all means, REUSE the coco without rinsing. One flush and the regular dose of zyme make plants rock... and yeah, this shit is overpriced too and yeah, it's like AN where they omit one thing so you have to buy the other... you know, the usual scam... it's still good shit though. Very good shit... but for the results you will have if you follow the directions EXACTLY, will blow your mind. Without the Epsom salts I have spots on my leaves that I can't figure out just wtf they are... the epsom takes good care of it.
I've never seen such rapid growth. I put a couple of test plants in flower at about 12 inches... they are as tall as the plants that I put in at 20-21 inches and absolutely loading up with bud... maybe I should stop being chicken and start a new grow journal... I'm running shit loads of excellent strains too... I can use some criticism from people who actually know stuff.
I have been using the Cyco for the last couple rounds and I gotta say I'm really impressed. Super clean nute and the ph is pretty stable. This last time I did push the ppm a little harder then I did before and didn't have any troubles going over 1500 and up over 2000. I love the lack of deficiencies using it and everything looks so healthy. I do recommend giving it the old college try if you haven't. I'm not interested in wasting my $$ on AN products anymore
Nice to know that there is another cyco on here... okay, I went overboard

Cyco works. So long Advanced Nutrients, you've been fucking us all for far too long... now there is something better than AN... Cyco.