i use to have a benelli nova pump but i gave it to my buddy.
cann. ypu do have a point about the mil-style semi aytos im getting influenced by a infantry srgeant on the guns lol
ima have to check out some bolt action semis
yeah that wat they were tellin me bout tha ak barrel.
i like tha ar while shooting i like the setup of lower reciever. but the ak just had the power but not much accuracy.
n yeah it almost deer hunting time.
i also like how yo can customize the ars
Im in between with these two. I've shot both this last weekend and i like em both but cant make up my mind.
ill be using em for home defense hunting and at the range.
i would like some insight from yall thank you
i dnt really know the taste of mdma i never had it just xpills i know im missin out ha ha. i like tha taste of xaax with a nice blunt to take the taste away