so if u buy a bc at 91 dollars. and get 1 coin and make a purchase for say a oz of bud for 40$(i.e) does it leave you with a fraction of the coin left?
i have dream that i accquire ziploc bags of pills opiate ex benzos with all sorts of other drugs like coke weed lsd codeine
sometime i wake up too see if there there but then i realize it was a dream... ive been clean for about 4 months
curren$y is the shit and his crew corner boy p trademark young roddy
there killer and trapgod 1 and 2 are fuckin sick plus like thats money making music and shit to get high too
curren$y spits real shit like in one of his song he says he dont slang but he gets money and plays xbox ps3 n thangs...
caraco has came out with a new green colored promethazine with codeine
its greens and its bomb ass fuk
let me know if you have came into contact with thos green lean id like to know your experiences on it :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: