Yep....thats the same thing that happens in my dreamsYea I have em too their the worst! One thing I noticed is when I dream about them I never get far enough in the dream to actually do them. I figure its me knowing I don't need them anymore. Still makes for a rough start to the day though. Sometimes the dreams feel so real they bother me for days.
Whoa! Guys seem to have crazy dreams LOL..your house is actually your mind..hmm I'm thinking the evil house might be you too.. shutters where windows should be..closed subject, perhaps?, then when you investigated, you realized all you do or would like to do = weed..IMOThe other night I dreamt that the house opposite mine was like an evil hidden slaughterhouse for dogs. It looked like the house normally does, but it had shutters where the windows where and coming out of the door was like a line with hooks on it and greyhound type dogs where coming out on the hooks dead with blood dripping off them and they were being taken somewhere behind my house. I went down to the house to investigate and it smelled like weed.
Dude, more than half the time mine end up starting at, moving through or ending at a festival too. You must be a Mutant too nothing like shenanigans on acid eh lol...Madhammish..I have the same dreams! Fucking crazy weird adventures to fint this L!! I usually end up at a festival at the end of it,or going to the next show...nitrous dreams also...
Oh yeah that's the WORST. I found a kilo of Diesel in one dream. I almost cried when I woke up. Sniff.Sometimes I have dreams I find large amounts of drugs or money, then wake up totally disappointed... other times I dream a deal gone bad and I eat a bullet to the face, and wake up equally disappointed , ahha
that's the weird thing... The Nitrous was 8 hours before the actual birth. Me and the doc were having a spot of fun (he was the guy holding the mask against my face lol) my wife wasn't even in enough pain to want the nitrous herself yet.Lost my viginity on 3 red geltabs at 13...was told my grandfather was dying on 8 green gels..I know where you're coming from dude!...woulda loved some n2o during the birth thing...
whoa!..this is so timely..I started a thread about going to the dentist medicated and if it will in interfere with the nitrous..what is your experience? The don't give us nitrous for child birth here anymore..epidurals, they figured out awhile ago nitrous is not good for the kid in the US. Yes, I remember the dial-up modem hahaha it was always an adventure to get the connect..AOL is so OUT it's actually in at least here it is if you can still get an AOL addy or you see someone with it. I'm gonna say nitrous WAS my first "high", too..ROFLDude, more than half the time mine end up starting at, moving through or ending at a festival too. You must be a Mutant too nothing like shenanigans on acid eh lol...
Nitrous is what sparked my interest in psychedelics at age 9. I was given the stuff at the dentist and LOVED it man. I secretly looked up getting high on the web (hey, who remembers the 22.2 kbps modem?... beep beep boop beep boop beep boop squeeeeeeeellll). I recall clear as day when I read about Acid the first time, I was like 11 or so, I instantly knew THIS IS WHAT I WANT. By age 14 I'd finally found a supply too, my cousin is a few years older and went to art-school, she told me all about micro dots and papers and hooked me up. My first paper was a Getafix, 250 micrograms.
I remember it was the first time in my life I felt like I was 'in my skin' it's the most sober and lucid I had ever felt regardless of the geometric coding streaming out of everything and the fact that no straight line could sit still and colours exploded across my cortex like that much heaven pouring into my soul.
Started a love-affair that is as strong today as it was on that fateful day, November 7 1994... Along with the birth of my child, I rate that as the most significant moment of my life.
It all started with that Nitrous Oxide.
And I ashamedly admit I hogged the Nitrous canister for around half an hour when my wife was in labour. I was a bit tense shall we say. Funny thing is, hours later, when my kid was born, at the moment of her birth the world shattered like I'd just had a hit of DMT. Bursts of fractals, the whole room imploding on itself and folding inwards and all there was was my daughter shining like an angel, luminescent, radiant, lighting up the whole world. THAT was quite a trip.