dude i love this update. : D . This is we started growing is it not? We want our own dank buds without the horrible prices : D! sounds like your bud has got it goin on bro. The microwave worked well i take it? Ive heard it zaps the trichomes.
: D . id like to sample but that would diminish yield. If i do end up taking a sample itll be towards the end when the buds are more developed. They still got another 3-6 weeks to go. : (
Havent gotten charger for my cannon camera yet. these are bad quality from my camera phone. Just thought i would try and give a quick update. everything is going beyond well. check it.
im right by tampa. its sad cause if growing were legal we would all probably be chillin burnin tradin clones and seeds and whatnot. Sad : *( . I bet a lot of us are cool as hell.
both potency and yield will be affected by lack of light.
i cant think of a good analogy but growing is a hobby. hobbies are expensive. Some people use cfls and cardboard boxes. As a result, these people are able to keep overhead to a minimum. Some people spend more and buy expensive HID...
it happens bro. Ive bunred a plant or two : D . This was a learning experience and it looks like its back on the road to health and recovery. keep us updated.
Window grows are bad. I know im being the jackass that says your not ready to grow but if the only way you can afford to grow a plant is by putting it on a windowsill ... then you need to
1.Stop growing
2. get a job
3. get cfls
4. continue growing.
Thats a custom recipe for success from...
Wow dude ... you are not ready to grow.
1. Sill growing does not give consistent full strength light to the plant. Saying what i just said is just skimming the surface.
2. if you plan on moving the plant daily from point a to point b then at night to point c you are going to find yourself...
yeah fuck the rain. Those two seedlings up there look pretty decent. The one on the left is lookin nice but the other one looks like its barely past its cotyldons. I used to have a cow field right behind this home depot in my area. The mushrooms were sooooo good. I dont know where any are now...