dude thats awsome. I did follow a lot of the guidelines you said but didnt mix anything in with the water until the end. I just started misting with rhizotonic which helps with root formation. Ill def keep that info in mind next time i clone. + Rep : D
actually i would really appreciate that. : D . Itll help me kinda target in some things from last run. Want me to pm you or would you post it on here? Do you use a dome?
Ima send you a pm and come visit your journal in a minute. They all got 18+ bud sites on them so i hope they will yield well. The setup is FINALLY dialed in completely i think. I cant wait till harvest time :" D
i know i know : ( . I know what i did wrong though. Ill be much more prepared the next time i clone. The survivor will be my blackjack mother. I think some others may still pull through as well. We shall see.
Hey everyone!
I know ive been kinda inconsistant this past week with posting. Ive been busy and my phone was broke : / If everyone posted their updates with the " good " news and the " bad " news , then this weeks post goes as follows :
The good news.
The plants are up to 7ml canna a +...
you failed the first few times : O . omg , id kill myself if they died. lol. im not " attached " to the plants ... but i spend a lot of time with them. Id be pretty bummed ...
Wow okay hey everone! sorry i havent posted in a minute, ive been really busy with work. The girls are doing great. They have now officially started flowering and pistils have begun emergin from the meristem summits. My blackberry camera phone has indeed fallen ill though, which is why i will...
wouldnt decreasing light during the last week or two decrease yield though? thats when your plant puts on the most weight right? less light ... less growth.