The Calyxes dont seem too swelled, so all should be well.. They are awfully low on resin though for a plant at week 5 flowering & that could be an indicator for pollenated.
Here is wat i'm using now dude :-)
Canna Line Up topped of with some NFzyme..
When this bottle runs out i too am giving a bottle of the Cycozyme a go :mrgreen:
Haha dude i can try - severe a leg and put it in a glass of water til i get there.. I'm leaving now ;)
I finally cleaned out my DWC system today.. It was Filthy, lol.. No wonder i was getting random dead leaves on all the undergrowth.
The water was a Chocolate Brown colour, but i couldnt see it...
Haha, Don i cant get over ur animal moustaches :-)
Do u have any rabbits? I request to see a rabbit with a moustache next :lol:
Ur correct, they werent showing any negative signs at all, but i knew a flush would be neccesary soon anyway becuase i'm flowering very shortly so i got it out of the...
Vegemite is the BombDiggety - End of story!
I love it when it's freshly baked bread, toasted, butter then vegemite :leaf:
..I think i just jizzed a little ;)
Yeah ur right, I edited & removed it.. Now it's ur turn..
I kno heaps of ppl who run those heaters, but the thing with Digital Electricty is that it measures ampage aswell as wattage & that's wat sets a ballast apart from an Asian heater.
..Not to mention the ability to store & analyse data in...
Jats was from Vic.
I know Jats pulled a bit of power, but surely not enough 2 get her caught.. I wonder if she had new digital electricity..
Either way it's a crock of shit - I wonder how she is coping?
Did it say anything bout consequences or her intentions Rock?
I'm on my Iphone again, so...
That's Cool DST, casual Semi-related chat is fine by me.. I just can't f*kn stand trolls :devil:
So anyway - Cheesy News - lol, I have given the girls a big flush tonight.. Good thing too. PH coming out is a stable 6.1, but EC is 1.8 ~ 2.0.. Very disturbing since I've only been feeding @ 1.6...
Haha some ppl need a slap in the face..
I lol when I see some1 talking about their 'big' plant & it's the size of my clone :-)
Post up some Pics mate :)
Haha glad my comment comes with so much backing - the only thing smaller than the shorts is the amount of talent the players posess.. Lmao @ consolation prize Km!
You gotta try the Cheese! They sure are stinky ;)
..Dude, I can't work out y this thread doesn't have more of a following?
Your doing everything right - big grow op, plenty of photos, wicked plants.. I mean WTF?
It makes me mad wen I c ppl pulling 28grams wet off a plant using 3cfls. I'm happy 4 the person they got emselves some chronic, but...