Hey BR, I love the video :-)
How come u have ur lights at such a distance? You could definitely get them closer.. Is it the only way to cover the whole screen or something?
Yeah it helps the plants to distinguish that the long days have come to an end..
It also makes the plants stretch which should help fill the screen up the last little bit.
Na not so much tolerance rising, more-so i find myself wanting a more distorted reality..
Yeah i think i will turn the lights out on Friday night and not on again until Sunday morning when they shall be on 12/12 & recieve 600W of Glorious HPS :-)
I have re-thought my 8 week plan and will let them run through to 9 weeks, i want knock-out smoke, headspins just aint enough anymore :-?
Here we go guys, things are tracking as they should..
Plants are growing well into the screen, but i still havent gotten off my ass n put a weight where the AI plant is, lol.
Hopefully the screen fills up in the next few days so i can turn them when i want to and have a screen full of buds that...
Here are my White Rhino Girls. They were hatched on the 16th May.. They have been fairly neglected, but that is all part of my madness when i look for a nice mother or breeding plant.. I want a fighter :)
As you can see they are very Indica Dominant :-) These 3 are the Soul survivors of the 10 i...
..I dont consider myself extremely gifted, but i'll throw my 2cents in anyway.. A chicken wire mesh will do fine. It's what the majority of people use who dont have nylon netting. I got mine from the Hydro shop for $2. 8Enough uses the net from a child's soccer net, which i think is better cos...
Looking good Jimmy, everything is on track!!
I saw an Ex of mine 2night.. She was @ the Shops.. Pushing a pram - funny stuff :)
I'm having Smoked Salmon & Notatoes 4 Dinner :weed:
Really?!?! I must have been quite Roasted.. 200Deg for about 45minutes to be precise, lol.
I had an Ex named Bianca - didn't much care 4her, I honestly don't kno y I wud say such a thing.. Slap my mouth..
Ah Right, I remember now - Brooke, Brooke is my favourite Girl's name.. If I could get my missus in bed with a hot brunette named Brooke I'd be in Utopia :-)
Hey guys & gals, thanks for the well wishes..
Kasey was a Beautiful Labrador, she just got too old for this world.
The missus was with her when she passed so I'm sure she was happy :)
Kmoo, who is B?
Lacey He was beautiful.. Our dogs have always stayed inside.. They are part of our Pack.. Always have been. People say 'They're dogs, they sleep outside' - to which I respond 'So did we @ 1 point'.
..They get upto all sorts of human-like mischief aswell.. But when it comes time for punishment...
Yeah more or less, just rather down..
Thanks 4 the PM Lacey.. Appreciate it :)
She was a beautiful dog, age just wore her down.. I want to invent an injection 2 give them that keeps them puppies 4ever.. :(