wow HC. lookin fuckin good maneee!!!! =D im checkin thru my seed collection right now! im hopin i have sum of those in there. pretty sure i got sum the 1st seed drop. but i could be wrong. either way man. looks fuckin incredible. you are one hell of a breeder my man. =) THC Line will be blow up...
I may have to pop a few calizhar x caseybands. =) im pretty sure the seed fairy dropped them off a ehile ago... have 2 double check to make sure tho. but from wat u say. they sound great
Thanks for all the compliments guy. everything should be harvested within the next 2 weeks. =) i planted 2 chocolate chunky munkys. and 2 grape apollos. gonna start germing a few super skunks... and a few g-13's. and then once i recieve my pack of ice x casey band... i will start a few of them...
aiight guys. i harvested my ak 48 2day. the warlock. and the jack herrer as well. very impressed with the herrer. cant wait to smoke it!!!! need 2 try and get another clone of it tho. =/ next weekend i will probably chop the sensi star and the 4 full moons as long as theyre ready. if not ill...
lmao.. jackoff material ehh? thats a compliment right? lol. =p jk. yeaa its a very frosty lady. especially for a purple strain! adn aiight. i will hopefully do them justice man! =) the force is strong with me.. as long as by "the force" you mean being high... hahahaha
hahahahaha. yeaaa he...
oo yea. another idea for the ice x caseyband......
Brain Freeze
Brain Freezer
Ice Box
Dry Ice
Frozen Glory
Vanilla Ice (Ice Ice Baby.... hahaha)
Edit : these are just crazy names i came up with while i was high.. lol. jsut figured id throw ideas at ya here and there. u taking any...
PS. HC. u gotta empty out ur inbox man. soo i can reply. =) hope u like the pics. shes a frosty 1!!!! =D very very frosty! have a nice clone of her too. soo wen the flowering room gets cleaned out and i can start over.. mite free... gonna give her another go for sure!!! :hump:
i might have 2 write him... adn tell'em to get his ass over here! he's missin out on a great grow!! lol. by the way. nice new avatar BoBo! =D I Like it! i needa new 1. ive had the same one since i started on here.. ive just always liked that plant.. it was my 1st plant i ever grew. Nirvanas...
yeaaa man that QQ is lookin great!! very frosty already! u can see all teh frost all over the fan leaves and everythin! mine turned out 2 be a male.... =( kinda upset about that.... i kno Dons growin a couple. obviously. since he created it. lol. but i dont think there are many other ppl growin...
nice collection of strains u got going. deff. subbin up. even tho im a lil late. lol. sucks bout the pillars tho. ive been battling with spider mites for quite sum time now. gotta clean house and start from scratch... =( seems like the lil group/family always stick 2gether on these threads...
hmmmmm. yeaaa o may have to try that. havent ever done a re-veg before. im tryna get a hold of that guy again. see if he can give me another clone. as long as he still has this strain goin around
little bit of a bummer... all 3 of my newer plants are males.. the 2 lemon qleaners and the qrazy quake turned out 2 be males... =( sucks.. gonna chop the bigger AK 48 and the Jack Herrer this weekend. =) soo ill ahve pics of that 4 u guys. gonna plant a few of the grape apollos adn chocolate...
yeaaa i kno wat ur sayin HC. i just usually FIM mine. just seems to work better and faster for me. i usually end up with 2 - 3 tops. once in a while 4.
good luck with the flojas mann. hopin u get at least a good male or 2. =/ yeaaa im a lil bummed... found out both of the Lemon Qleaner x CBs are male.... as is the qrazy quake... strike out.. 0 for 3. =/ gotta start a few more strains then since the flowering room will be emptying soooon. the...
wow man... yeaa that is a great announcement man!! wow. i cant believe ive been missing this thread!!! both of those crosses sound awesome man!!!! ive grown out the sensi star a few times... very powerful KO power. love it! i actually will be harvesting 1 in a week or so. grew a PE as well...
heyy stoney u may wanna top or fim the floja cross tho. ive fimmed the floja plenty of times.. and i kno HC did it to all 7 of his and they respond really well to it... u may wanna try it with ur cross. i think it would respond really nicely