I guess you will be in line for Comrade Obama's free hand outs when he " redistributes the wealth " by taxing the shit out of hard working Americans like me and guys like Joe the plumber. Which is going to put a lot small businesses out of business and increase unemployment and screw the economy...
Yes, he is a citizen but he was not born in Hawaii or the US like he originally portrayed himself to be. Why would he do something like that if was not a issue? I will say it again i think that both candidates really suck and are full of crap and i do not want someone in office that is going to...
Not really. Obama states himself that he is not a natural born citizen and that he is proud of it, check out the link. I think that when the founding fathers wrote the constitution they ment natural born citizen ment being born on US soil not that because your moma is a citizen means that you...
Check this out guys Berg - DNC Admits Fed Suit Charges - Obama Should Quit. Very interesting. I guess they have already decided to re-write the constituion .
I am all for Ron Paul, you are preaching to the choir. He is also a republican. I am not for any canidate or party who wants to tax the hell out fo someone because they work hard to be sucessful and "redistribute the wealth " to lazy slackers who do not want to work. Why should hard working...
Also trim all lower branches during weeks 1 and 3 of flowering. This is called lollipoping and it is used for SOG method. That is what i do with all of my clones in my table. Check this page out http://members.tripod.com/budsus_1/id31.htm.