I have been working with NLxSK#1 for a while now. It is a F1 super hybrid and it is a very hearty strain. My room is a 3x3x6 with a 400w HPS with C02 and a atmospheric controller and a 2x2 flood and drain table that will hold 15 plants.. I keep room temps at about 80F with 50% RH and a steady pH...
Well, now you know who your real friends are and who you can't trust. I would cut off most of those ignorant self- righteous jerks. I bet they all drink like a fish too. I had a simular experience growing up. You learn who is cool and who isn't. I would find new like minded friends and distance...
I have been following this bill very closely. Here is where you can find out the status of the bill http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx/?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB902. As of 4/08/2009 it was left pending in committee.
He is starting to do what the Nazis did in Germany. Check this out http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7886780711843120756. There is a NEW WORLD ORDER coming so get ready.
Check out this bullshit propaganda http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090326/pl_nm/us_obama_marijuana. Obama thinks we are a big joke. If anyone hasn't watched this yet they need to http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7886780711843120756
If you used the full line and went by the foxfarm feeding schedule you would know. http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/hydrofeed.pdf Why do want to screw around and mess up your grow? If you want results just follow the manufacturs feed schedule.
It works very well for me. If you are using foxfarm you are supposed to use the full line in that order to get the best results. I also use the Liquid Karma and SubCulture through out the entire grow. You might as well do it right or not bother at all. Why only use some of the nutes and maybe...
I use the full line of FoxFarm with Liquid Karma and SubCulture. I get awesome results. If you use FoxFarm you should use the full line. Check out the feeding schedule http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/hydrofeed.pdf. You start out with big grow,big bloom and open sesame for weeks 1-4 of veg...
Any recipe that calls for butter. 1/2 a cup = 1 stick of butter and that is all you will want to use for each batch. Last week i make bannana bread bites and today i am going to make fudge brownie bites. Chocolate chip cookies are always good too.
I use 5 gallon buckets and put the hydrotons in them with the hottest tap water i can from the tub. Then i add some some bleach and let them sit until the water cools. Then i use a net pot for a 5 gallon bucket for a strainer and rinse them under the faucet in the tub.
Its root rot. I would clean the rez and flush with H2O2 and clearing solution. Use fresh nutes and get some SubCulture to help repair the roots and prevent it from coming back. Some SuperThrive wouldn't hurt either. Also check your rez temp and keep it as cool as possible. Keep your pH around...