I would do a RSO extraction using EverClear to get oil for medical use. Take 1 or 2 oz and grind it up and put it in a mason jar and put in 2 or 3 cups of EverClear and let it soak over night. Strain the EverClear and put it in a rice cooker or in a pan and put on low heat. Stir and with a...
I use this CBD wax during the day which has 240 mg of CBD. http://www.legalbuds.com/cbd-vape-oil.html
I take 1g of CBD wax to 30 drops of DB mixPRO http://www.amazon.com/DBmixPRO-Professional-Herbal-Extract-50ml/dp/B0190TJFMU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1461215804&sr=8-1&keywords=EJ+MIX
and i make my...
1 g RSO or BHO to 35 drops of PUFF MAJIC for pre-flavored http://shop.majicvapors.com/liquid-mixers.html or you can use DB Mix for unflavored http://www.amazon.com/DBmixPRO-Professional-Herbal-Extract-50ml/dp/B0190TJFMU?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 then add a...
I took 4 grams of RSO and melted 1.5 TSP of coconut oil and a 1/4 TSP of honey.
The recipe for my Sour Apple Gummy Bears is to use a 1 box of the Joly Rancher Sour Green Apple Jello mix, 2 packets of Knox Gelatin unflavored. Heat 1/2 cup of cold water with 2 pack of the Knox Gelatin and the box...
I took 4 grams of RSO and melted 1.5 TSP of coconut oil and a 1/4 TSP of honey.
The recipe for my Sour Apple Gummy Bears is to use a 1 box of the Joly Rancher Jello mix, 2 packets of Knox Gelatin unflavored. Heat 1/2 cup of cold water with 2 pack of the Knox Gelatin and the box of Joly Rancher...
I think he is talking about Ever-clear which is food grade versus using isopropyl alcohol which is not food grade and can make you sick. I use Ever-clear .
Yes, it will work. Check out this guy on you tube. He does the same thing but he uses liquid nitrogen but he said you can use dry ice as well.
His website is Rainierdistillers.com
I got the grandules at a health food store ( Sprouts ). I am pretty sure you could use the liquid but i am not sure of the ratio to use. I made some of the candy that turned out great. I tried a piece last night and i am still buzzed lol..
If you want to cook edibles you really should read this hole thread https://www.rollitup.org/cooking-cannabis/412878-badkats-cannapharm-canna-caps-uv.html. Hope it helps. If you need something for pain then you should use a strain with high CBN & CBD levels.
You should decarb your buds before you make your oil or butter. Then add soy lethigen to boost potency. You can also add soda water to make your candy glow under a black light. Check out BadKittySmiles thread https://www.rollitup.org/cooking-cannabis/412878-badkats-cannapharm-canna-caps-uv-8.html
I just harvested mine last sunday. They went 12 weeks with clear, cloudy and some amber trics. The buds are still drying. They probally could have went another week or two.