well as os saturday night i pulled over in car 4 people in it
we got pulled over
the driver is my cousin and the front passanger is is also my cousin
me in the driver passanger and the homie in the back wit me
ok well the fron people had guns on them they tossed em under the seats when we...
i snorted it never smoked n i dont think i ever will ahh i hate that burn and it feel like it cut my nose up ha ha i did two medium lines the first n 2 fat lines the send about 2 day later lol
ha ha just trimmin away i bet lol its only kept me up till bout 4 in the morning n i did it round six...
i done all three but xanax kinda does the same sometime but not to the extent to bein geeked up
but wit the a lil euphoria
but id deff agree n on coke n adderall
speed kinda make me chill
like xanax with paradoxical efffect instead of making you sleepy
it make me wana go out n party
n i just took a blue football 1mg
i feel like being productive lol
well what dru give that paradoxical effect like energy or other effects