lol im in az central i guess id say
and im not really concerned with music i like any music as long as its got a beat that you can enjoy and bass you can feel
yeah id rather fuck with some white girl its way better than meth but the high does last longer n from the lil bit i did it didnt really have the urge to redose like coke had
subu im the op lol
i know what i wrote yeah my cuz broke a line out wit me me then she gave me some for later or when ever i wanted
but i learned lol i felt like shiht these past few days def. not a drug i would abuse and use on a regular basis
2014 edc las vegas what do you guys think about it. is it wirth going or should i just go to a smaller venue that i know will be somewhat better
ive been to a few concerts and one festival but never to like a rave or anything is that what the edc is
yeah ^ i agree ive seen destroy half of my familys life as a kid but my mom and nana quit and have got a way better life
im done with it tho i have no urge to redose and i dont have any
lol i go to college and have an associates btw im not tryin to brag
im just trying it
you know some people tried weed and they didnt like it so they dont do it
well for me this my first time tryin it and its cool but not my drug of choice