well then i guess i will keep it inside for a couple days and see how they do. but i was hopeing for more that just one reply to this ordeal i'm going through.lol
so i just started growing some seedlings. and i want to make them grow faster. do you think if i put them outside till right befor it starts to get dark at night , then bring them in and put them underneath 2 CFL's and a OCL light. which is a fullspectrum light. that i can make them grow a lil...
you should take pictures and show us. and you should check out my profile. and see my pictures. this is my first time growing and i'm about to plant more tomarrow
keep them in pots but big pots that way if you do them outside and you need to move them incase of an emergency or bad weather. you can just take them inside or just move them out the way of problems.
no i started them outside. but with such shitty weather in the begining of the season with so much rain and cloudy days. but that is my theory to why they look that way other than that i'm at a loss. but that indica isn't that old like 4 to 4 1/2 weeks. i don't really remember. i've been out of...
oh sweet. and you should check out my profile. and tell me what you think of them. i am going to add more pic tomarrow.
and you can get molasses at almost any store. you can get it at wal-mart. and try to look for blackstrap molasses. that really doesn't have any sugar in it. it is actually...
well i'm going to plant some friday. i started to germate today. i don't care if they are 10 inches tall. but if they produce some buds. more power to me. you know atleast it's something
when did you plant thos i planted mine in may 28. and i use the same spray you do but don'e take them inside. i'm about to take some clones and start a indoor grow. but here check out my plants tell me what you think. this is my first grow.
the one in the woods is a indic and the other one is a...
oh damn really? i'm in central america you think if i use 2 CFL's to start the plant and get them 1.6 feet then put them outside that i will get a descent amount of colas :-? ?
pretty damn smart.how did you think of that? and my sister started groing real herb no MJ. but she has it on a chain link fence the is hydroponic and it actually would make a wall a green. i comeing up with ideas to put it indoors across a wall or put the chain in a circle now with a circle...
i live in OK. and i got 2 plants a indica and a sativa which is going to be ready first? i am guessing the sativa in late october to mid november and the indica in early september. am i anywhere close? and i have like 45 days befor plants in my area will show their sex. but do you think that is...
nice grow's. it's my first time and i'm growing all organic outside. only tried 2. but next year will be my true grow... HELL i've all ready started to plan it. i got big plans... but tell me how these 2 looks only 65 days old.
p.s. sorry if their big pic's i don't know how to put them in...
This is my first time grow. i planted these two on may 27 and is now july 21. one is a lemonlime smelling plant with a sort of silver tint at some angles.
and the other plant is a indica plant that STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!!! of skunk and pine....
p.s. lets prey for females.
i am keeping pest away all organic. you eggshells and crumble them up and put them around your plants. it helps keep ants and eny other bug that crawls away from your plants and plant garlic cloves around your plants so that it keep's away any flying bugs, and also plant where their is alot of...
hey man i was wondering where you got tho's seeds. i've been wanting to try from bcseeds.com but waiting to see how my first grow is going to go. so it would be much appretciated
actually i'm not sure which would be which and what week are they in? if they are only in their 4th then i would top them and it would take just take maybe 2 days befor you see to tip instead of one. that way it will you like a big "Y" looking tree bud. i top my sativa plant now it have6 tips...