I grow outdoors but I keep my clones at 18/6 I use to do 24/0 but I began to notice some stress developing on the clones and they did much better at 18/6 there's scientific research in Ed's book that plants grown under 24/0 did better than plants grown under 18/6 but on a personal note I prefer...
It's way too small and early to determine the yeild for the slugs make a boarder around the base using some dolomite lime adds some calcium and magnesium into the soil also and help stabilize the Ph at neutral which doesn't really matter for plants in soil but better to be safe then sorry with...
By saying indoor they mean it's less resistant to mold,pest and weather issues so as long as your area stays at under 95f and above 55F and you keep the pest/mold under control they will thrive and you can expect a good harvest.
Brew your own compost tea if you want to know how organic it is if not go with Fox Farms their bloom line is still organic I've grow some good plants with their line but I can't use them anymore since I switched the coco and that will leave me with a salt build up.
Water until you get a decent rough off it's difficult to over water with coco I like to mix expanded clay in also to improve aeration as pure coco can sometime restrict roots start giving them Canna coco A & B every other watering at 1/4 dose so they can have a decent nutrient supply already in...
Pull them out because fungus and pest or you could try to bring those plants back to life with water and a small dose of fertilizer or go to a local nursery and pick up a plants for foliage cover.
First off dude your like 13 so get off the forums cause everyone on here knows you cant make a living off selling dope unless your growing it yourself. Dude I use to be a dealer just like you want to be getting robbed and meeting strangers is all part of the game, but in the end it's never worth it.