yeaa del you pull sum impressive yeilds from those 12-12's. ive done a couple. but they never end up anythign like yours. ill have to post pics of my arctic express (ice x caseyband) i have goin. 12-12 from seed. looks like it may have a decent yield. just threw 6 new plants in the flowering...
and yeaaa i been smokin that "BMF" as every1 seems to be callin it now, for the last few days. =) LOVE this stuff. really really like the g-13 as well.. one oif the best highs ive had in a LONGGGGG time. jsut put me in a great mood. not too sleepy.. and not to "uppy" wish i had more.. =(
yeaaa LOVE the smell of the cindy!! grew a lil tall for me thho. its gotta be pushin 4-5 ft now. lol. looks like its gonna have sum small.l but potent buds! i got 2 clones of it as well. =) wish i kept that bsb male around. coulda made sum sour cindy. ;) bet that woulda been a nice cross...
wow mannnn. very impressive. loveing the colors on those clones man... wow.. sucks about the beans tho. but good u got sumthing. i needa get into making sum seeds... i made a few breeds with that floja i had.. the flo-k-48.. sum floja x warlock... flona x sensi star. and floja x floja.... but...
i got a c-99 goin too. =) pineapple pheno. smells AWESOMEE! gonna do an update 2morro. ill show ya pics of that dog as well. the leaves are VERY VERY thick. deff looks to be an indica dom. pheno. im really excited for this 1 man... deff takin a couple clones of it. and a couple of the K-13. and...
ooooo ok. yeaa iw as lookin thru all the pics u had. even thr group shot and i didnt see it. thought maybe it died or sumthin. good that u at least got a lil sumthin from it. maybe the green pheno of the floja came thru. that 1 was always very sensitive to everythign. especially light. both of...
fuckin beautiful pics guys!!! wow! fuckin awesome. i got a c-99 goin that sstartin to frost up pretty nicely. ill have to post pics once it gets a lil frostier.
lol. well hopefully things keep goin the way theyre goin 4 u man. =) im jhappy so far too. 5/5 females. =D got a few Kannabia Special x G-13. and a few BSB. and a caliband as well. =) those are the newest additions. wat about you? wat do u got goin on man?? i have 1 K-13 (Kabbabia special x...
awesome!!!!! thats sum great news!!! ill post pics up this weekend. soo u can see the dog. and see how she looks. =) i have a kannabia special x G-13 that is doing fuckin AMAZINGG! the structure is ubelievable! ill have pics of that as well. all my plants in my veg box turned out to be female...
yeaaa thats the arctic express that i have pics of in my thread. im curious how that crossed with the dog willl turn out. i kno it was an accidental cross.. soo im not sure how many other ppl have it growin. if any.
yeaa fuck that ungrateful pric... id love to see him come up with sum better/more stable genetics. wtf does uneven genetics even mean!? dumbass. how bout you leave my thread and. "while your at it" go suck a fat dick.
heyyy HC. got a Dog x Arctic Express i just put into flowering. =) finally found out its a female. =) and put a calizahr x caseyband in tonight as well. =) and a bsb too. jsut realized that all 3 i got from ya. lol. have u or any1 else grown the dog x (ice x cb)? wonderin if im the 1st one...
yeaa it comes out great. and i havent seen on ethat ISNT purple yet. kinda cool. HC created a strain that comes out a nice deep purple/pink 99% of the time