Yo chris! Top of the mornin to ya our prodigal son!! Hey your not only the first your the only one to be growing that lol! And it's a girl too fucking sweeet! Actually that seed was either the result of some Artic Express pollen floating around or it's straight up DOG as the dog throws out the occasional bean. We can tell once it's been flowering for a few weeks. Either way it's going to be real good. And if it does happen to be straight up DOG then consider yourself lucky little brother, that's prolly my fav out of 20 strains that I have running right now.heyyy HC. got a Dog x Arctic Express i just put into flowering. =) finally found out its a female. =) and put a calizahr x caseyband in tonight as well. =) and a bsb too. jsut realized that all 3 i got from ya. lol. have u or any1 else grown the dog x (ice x cb)? wonderin if im the 1st one. lookin 4ward to it
I harvest a couple recently, it's good stuff. A couple of phenos, one has airy buds that have crazy frost and look like Ice buds and another one with heavy buds and smelled just like the Ice.i got some ice x cb.. been eyein it up for a lil while now
its truMy girl better be careful...I hear once black never back ; !)
haha sound like your sons got the same stubborn gene that a few of us follow assholes have , he should join us in the asshole cave collectiveFive out of five for girls huh, nice! I was starting to get a little worried looking for females in the batch of Cindys coming up from The Asshole Seed Collection but they are starting to lift up their skirts haha. Pulling the trigger on them next week, should be quite a show!
Post pics any time that you want man, keep some action going here lol. I made some kief and some hash this afternoon that came out fucking killer! Light light color, very little stir time it's prolly full melt...I know that the kief is hehe.
My 17 year old son moved out of his mom's house today (or should I say got kicked out) and is now staying with his grandparents (my parents). Along with his music he is also into video taping and shit. Well the manager of his band got him a gig to shoot a music video for some big name band down in Jersey and his mom won't let him go because it's during the week and he has school. He said he's doing it, she gave him an ultimatum...pack your bags if you go your out. I couldn't get her to budge and tonight the shit hit the fan up there. It's still a couple of weeks till the shoot but he's out of the house........ He does not like my chick and the feeling is mutual with her so he won't be staying here. My parents will love it though, whenever the grandsons have trouble with their parents they go stay at my moms haha
hahah yeah man i forgot about rules but ... then again im not gonna grass lol !He'll have to wait until he's 18 by forum rules
HC - curse you. make me jealous and miss someone all at the same time. I thought that was only for girls, but now I think about it might be right. Though I think it's more the freak part than any color. Ha. I'm kind of on the fringe of a bdsm group or two.
Plan to get to cloning here shortly. Got my pc out to read through your post on cloning. Now have to scroll back to find it. ha. Just cleaning up my room first to move the cab, then clone. BB are still hiding expect another day or two.
Robbie, I've posted your thread as an example of a great scrog in several threads. Can barely stand to look at it myself because I get rather jealous. Ha. Soon
HC- Who did you tell me was growing with led's that follows your thread?
damn! I wanna move there lol, looks lovely