Hey CHIEF, I can't believe how well you have controlled the growth on Sassy. She really is a handful, I can see why she got the name :)
I never heard of the strain before but in Amsterdam coffeeshops they print out a price list with all the herbs they stock and it's usually in order of price...
Thanks Phase. Hope we can expect another grow from you soon enough.
Hey ms
There's some tips got burned while I was away but considering they did 5 days without any attention at all I'm pretty pleased.
I worked on the monitor casing yesterday but it just isn't the right shape for what I want...
Cheers gum, it's good to see some frost again :)
You're right about the clones tucked away under the canopy, they love it there!
I've got the fixtures to kit out a little clone box so I'll prolly do that tomorrow just so I can keep it manageable.
Greets SICC.
It's all good but it's a bit manic atm, I'm trying to get a crop asap to keep me smiling and I'm also trying to switch over to clones so I kind of have 2 grows in the box just now.
I'm using your party cup grows as a bit of a template for the new clone plants so I'll be rereading a...
That's good to hear ms.
I ended up using H2O2 to flush the soil a few times and got rid of my lodgers that way.
I'm using new style pots to accomodate clones with 4 tips, they look exactly like yours. Great minds think alike eh?
I use those root riot cubes as a starter medium and plant in soil when the taproot breaks through.
If you have none to hand then try to keep the humidity really high. Even with the cubes I cover the seedlings with a ziplock bag for a few days to let them get established.
Hope it turns out ok...
Maplins sell fans that are the same size and shape as pc fans but they run on mains voltage so you can just wire them to a plug.
Hey kilpox
I love White Widow and it's the first stash I buy when I get to Amsterdam. I've never grown it myself but have seen it cultivated indoors a few times. It seems easy to grow and it's very compact but maybe not the best yielder.
I haven't tried it in the case because it needs at least...
Sorry guys, been away for a few days.
Hey gum, I wish I had the space to do something just a little bigger but I don't. The pc will have to do for now.
Thanks farmboss.
Heat isn't the problem with a 150w, it's the light that would hurt the plants.
I work on the basis that the max output of...
Cheers gum.
The seed will be easy to lift out, just pick it up by the shell and drop it into the medium tail first. I tend to make a little hole for it in the medium and then sprinkle a bit more soil over it or firm it up a little, so just the top of the shell is exposed to the light.
Hey gum it sounds like you could do with some tips on getting those seeds to crack.
I use a small tupperware container with about 8 sheets of toilet roll inside. I put the toilet roll under the tap and let it drip until the the whole towel is damp then push a seed inbetween the sheets. The lid...
Hey Xan, I don't think you can have too much headroom.
To put the hydro into context, you are effectively considering 2 plants in 10 gallons, or 5 gals per plant. In soil 5 gallons will produce substantial plants and hydro allows much more rootspace than soil does. I wouldn't worry about a lack...