I thought Andre the Giant and Big John Stud were both dead...lol. A kick to the head from you is the same as you taking a shot with a gun....attempted murder by shod foot...lol. In my city it's the 15 year olds that will kill you they have balls but no morals. Hopefully dude becomes a...
Not everyone can dish out a beating, but everyone can take one. He should have a firearm and let them bullets do the talking or pull out the law book and get him legally. You know ain't no fighting in BEANTOWN!!! Don't bring fist to a gunfight..lol. Roxbury, Dorchester, Mattapan SALUTE!!!!!!
Sometimes you have to do things in person to get them done. I would'nt have called. If you file a report they take a report...it's the law. As far as them not doing anything because it's drugs is a BS. If I sold weed and somebody comes and kicks my door down, beats the shit out of me, take...
I transferred into MG Organic Garden Soil not potting soil...I had filled all my pots and was going to throw the bag away when I seen it was not for pots. Are my crops a goner? I guess your suppose to mix it with your soil outside. I mixed it with MG Perlite and Dr. Earth's Bat Guano 10-3-1...
My fault Murph.... Your the one who sparked the flame...lol. I don't think I have enough light to go 5 gallon because I'm using CFL's. I already have 10 running a lil over 200 W. I've transferred them from the party cups and I made another mistake..lol.
I figure since it's my first grow and I'm using bag seed not to get the FFOF just yet...I'm going to wait until my next grow. I made another mistake..lol. I'm going to post about it now.
Fella's to private message click on the send Private Message under the avatar pic and add as a friend. Welcome. Let me know if you have any questions???? I'm still wet behind the ears myself.
I can post malware in a link right on in this thread if I wanted to and that is what google is saying. It's not RIU. It's there system of lettting people post links to whatever they like that is the culprit. 2 in ninety days is not bad if you ask me...if you don't know the person don't be so...
I'm using Scott's premium (it has those little nute balls) and Miracle Grow Perlite...I'm only watering, but I think my water/soil may not have been ph balanced and the plants are'nt taking up the nutes. I'm going to be switching to a bigger pot in 2 days with FFOF so I know they will be...
I've never heard of a cup in the states. I've actually never been out to Vegas for fear of not finding anything to smoke on..lol. I heard the real Vegas can be kind of hectic once your off the strip. If you find out about any please send me the info. and I will definately attend...may take my...
I will definately check out the mags. The west definately has a better grow culture. I could'nt believe it when I was on the plane heading to Amsterdam..lol. I could'nt sleep like a kid on christmas. 1st day I passed out @ 5pm from the smoke and the jet lag..lol. Save up and go over. $850...
I'm not sure my friend said he started to flower 23 days in on his bag seed. but I may go 30 days veg, then start to flower...gives me time to get my nutes together..lol.
I'm too far along right..lol.
I want to get out of these little ass cups anywayz...next time I'm in.
You don't get root bound if you stay in the party cup all the way to harvest????
Daaammmmmnnn!!! 05...I've been sleeping. I grab High Times here and there and I have Jorge Cervantes grow dvd but he's more of an outdoor grower. I want to grab that see more buds book. Are you on the east coast? That maybe why I have'nt seen it if your out in the wild west. Have you...
I started with regular Poland Spring and now I'm using the distilled...I've only watered once so far with it. I was thinking of going into 3 gallon grow bags next week??? does this sound right? Thinking of switching to FFOF with the transplant and getting some Jack's Classic.