• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

plants were stolen should i call the cops or not?


Well-Known Member
You must really suck at what you do, and the way you said experience in the legal field leads me to assume your either a receptionist or a paralegal. I'm not arguing what the law is, I'm telling you it doesn't work the way you think it does or the way it should. You're being very naive about this and I'm not saying that to insult you. Maybe cops in CO are different than cops down here, but cops aren't going to waste their time following leads and wasting time looking for cannabis plants, get real dude.

Assuming you get Mr. Joe Lawman to come and hear your story. He asks you, if your plant has anything on it that you can identify as yours. You say other than buds, no....he asks you if you took the guys plate, you say no...he asks you if you know who it was, you say I heard them talking and the guys name is John...he'll say did you do anything, you'll say "no I just stood there watching them take my shit"...He'll then ask you what the fuck you expect him to do about it....Dust for prints? you watch too many cop movies. I'll guarantee you 110% no one is going to dust for prints in this situation.

As for your cost of prosecution thoughts, you're wayyyyyy off. Even though you list 2 things the prosecutor must prove, you fail to point out that #1 That you committed the crime of theft is basically the prosecution in it's entirety and not as simple as you're trying to make it out to be.

If you want to compare experience, I actually have my JD, did pass the bar, worked for a defense firm for 8 years and now I'm an SIU investigator working auto theft which means I deal with cops a lot more than you do.

Like I said, maybe where you're at, Mr. Lawman does his job and follows the law to the letter....It doesn't work like that here.
Listen to you! You'd think that CA was the wild wild west wtih the way the law enforcement just sits around and lets criminals have their way with your state.

Don't really feel like getting into who's a real attorney and who's just running their mouth online.

Instead I'm going to disprove all your whining with actual instances of the police prosecuting people for stealing pot plants.

Lets start with this one. It's fun because it deals with a breakin of a shed, just like our original poster.


"The victim also noticed 15 marijuana plants and growing equipment missing out of his locked shed. The plants were used for medicinal purposes, for which the victim showed deputies proper documentation."

And guess what happened?!

"Three people have been arrested on charges of burglarizing a Port Orchard home of medicinal marijuana plants and a 2008 Honda Pilot."

Now since you have no legal background I can explain the difference to you between why our original poster can only claim petty theft rather than burglary, but I'm sure you'll Google it.

Next up! This one is good beacuse it covers the whole knowing who took the plants


"He said the suspects took about 700 marijuana plants from La Grange and returned to a Modesto home. Lutes knew some of the people who robbed him and helped investigators identify the suspects."

And guess what!

"Authorities arrested four people who they suspect broke into a La Grange home while heavily armed early Thursday, beating the resident and stealing marijuana plants, cash and other items, the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Department reported Friday."

Wow this is getting good! What's next?


"That suspect is in custody. However, police say there are still two to three suspects at large.

The case remains under investigation by the Battle Creek Police Department. Anyone with any information about this incident is being asked to contact Battle Creek police or Silent Observer."

I guess the police ARE willing to look into it?

I can keep going if you'd like but it's only going to get more embarassing for you...


Well-Known Member
And this story is for DJ Cowboy/Thug....


Police have arrested a Fresno resident who officers said shot and severely wounded a man who had stolen from the resident's large marijuana garden across the street from Roeding Park.
Phayvahn Dydouangphan, 47, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of assault with a firearm.

You keep thinking you can just blast people on your property and see what becomes of you!http://www.fresnobee.com/2010/09/08/2070014/suspect-shot-at-home-near-roeding.html#ixzz0zdtMxKBm


Well-Known Member
call the cops, they broke onto your property and burglurized your shed, i had a homie who robbed a fool for hella dank, the guy had his medical card now my homie is doing 5 years in the pen.. shit was wack lol


Well-Known Member
also knew another kid who tried to rob some plants and the guy with the medical card ended up blasting him in the head. killed him dead on the spot and didnt get in trouble.


Active Member
Listen to you! You'd think that CA was the wild wild west wtih the way the law enforcement just sits around and lets criminals have their way with your state.

Don't really feel like getting into who's a real attorney and who's just running their mouth online.

Instead I'm going to disprove all your whining with actual instances of the police prosecuting people for stealing pot plants.

Lets start with this one. It's fun because it deals with a breakin of a shed, just like our original poster.


"The victim also noticed 15 marijuana plants and growing equipment missing out of his locked shed. The plants were used for medicinal purposes, for which the victim showed deputies proper documentation."

And guess what happened?!

"Three people have been arrested on charges of burglarizing a Port Orchard home of medicinal marijuana plants and a 2008 Honda Pilot."

Now since you have no legal background I can explain the difference to you between why our original poster can only claim petty theft rather than burglary, but I'm sure you'll Google it.

Next up! This one is good beacuse it covers the whole knowing who took the plants


"He said the suspects took about 700 marijuana plants from La Grange and returned to a Modesto home. Lutes knew some of the people who robbed him and helped investigators identify the suspects."

And guess what!

"Authorities arrested four people who they suspect broke into a La Grange home while heavily armed early Thursday, beating the resident and stealing marijuana plants, cash and other items, the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Department reported Friday."

Wow this is getting good! What's next?


"That suspect is in custody. However, police say there are still two to three suspects at large.

The case remains under investigation by the Battle Creek Police Department. Anyone with any information about this incident is being asked to contact Battle Creek police or Silent Observer."

I guess the police ARE willing to look into it?

I can keep going if you'd like but it's only going to get more embarassing for you...

You wanna go back and read the same articles that you posted? The reason the cops went out on the call is because the guy called in an auto theft. He came home and found his CAR stolen. Here's the quote from your article "Upon arrival deputies contacted the victim, a 48-year-old male, who told them he had just returned with his family from a camping trip when he noticed his 2008 Honda Pilot was missing from in front of his home."
The only reason that made it in the news, is because cannabis plants were involved. Don't think for a second the cops went out just for the plants.

And for the other story, here's a quote from the article you posted the link for "Police say that at 2:50 a.m. Saturday three or four armed suspects kicked in the front door of a residence in the first block of Battle Creek Avenue, pistol whipped a house guest who had been asleep on a couch, stole three marijuana plants from the basement and then fled the scene on foot." Do you seriously think the cops went out on that call because the guys pot plants were stolen? Do you think they went after the suspects looking for pot and looking to arrest people for stealing plants? THEY WENT AFTER THEM BECAUSE THEY KICKED DOWN A DOOR, PISTOL WHIPPED THE POOR BASTARD IN HIS SLEEP AND ROBBED HIM.

Seeing how you like to play gumshoe, go find an article that about police giving a shit about a couple of plants being stolen that doesn't involve auto theft and pistol whipping.

Like I said, you must really suck at what you do if you in fact are a lawyer.


Active Member
And this story is for DJ Cowboy/Thug....


Police have arrested a Fresno resident who officers said shot and severely wounded a man who had stolen from the resident's large marijuana garden across the street from Roeding Park.
Phayvahn Dydouangphan, 47, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of assault with a firearm.

You keep thinking you can just blast people on your property and see what becomes of you!http://www.fresnobee.com/2010/09/08/2070014/suspect-shot-at-home-near-roeding.html#ixzz0zdtMxKBm
As for this article, do you even know why the guy was charged with that and not attempted murder like you think he would be after shooting at someone and wounding them? Because it didn't happen on his property. The fuckers were already driving away and the dude shot at the car which was not on his property...If he shot the bastard on his property, he would not get charged with shit, unless he unloaded a couple of clips but that's a different story.


i got a bad ass dog. pit bull he kept them at bay all night and all week i fell asleep early and my girl didnt want to wake me the night before. my dog was going crazy toward the fence and nobody checked into SANY0012.jpgit or woke me up. its been this way all week the dog would not let me sleep.so any how my dad put him on his chain while i was still in bed so SANY0029.jpgmy little cousin could come thourgh the gate and catch the bus with my siblings so she wasnt alone. everyone thinks im just super paranoid so heSANY0032.jpg didnt bother to let him back off. my dad and mom had a docter appt so they left. the people thought they were all clear. they started robing meSANY0031.jpg. my dog was barking like crazy so my girlfriend looked out the patio door. she spoted one of them. she yelled someones stealing the plants! i woke up right away and gave chase thier hood came off and i recognized him. just an aquintence. lately someone has been breaking into sheds and sSANY0025.jpgtealing power tools in the neighborhood. so i think he was looking for something to sell like tools and hit a gold mine. the police refused to SANY0028.jpgtake a report about it said he dont care about my doors and lock or my expensive nutes and grow light what should i do to sue for discrimanationSANY0030.jpg the pictures are of my dog and hole they dug and broken lock and also the signs i would beat thier face in but im out on bond for 2 assoults as is.



Well-Known Member
And this story is for DJ Cowboy/Thug....


Police have arrested a Fresno resident who officers said shot and severely wounded a man who had stolen from the resident's large marijuana garden across the street from Roeding Park.
Phayvahn Dydouangphan, 47, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of assault with a firearm.

You keep thinking you can just blast people on your property and see what becomes of you!http://www.fresnobee.com/2010/09/08/2070014/suspect-shot-at-home-near-roeding.html#ixzz0zdtMxKBm
and this is for the colorado cocksucker.....
where thieves stole the marijuana early that morning and were driving away in a pickup truck when Dydouangphan opened fire.
he shot at them driving away...and got arrested...no shit...thats not self defense...the sad thing is you spent how much time looking for that article...and its not even close to what im talking about...i wouldnt be stupid enough to fire at them driving away...thats assault with a deadly weapon...so look a little deeper....search google a little harder...you have proved nothing...there is a difference between firing at someone breaking into your property...then firing at them driving away....nice try..but fail

I Love Indica

Active Member
i called and they refused to take a report my lights and everything were also taken. he broke my lock and i have a no trespassing sign. the worse part is i saw them and caught them in the act and know thier name. whos supposed to pay for the damage to my shed, my light and fertilizers. The officer even went as far to tell me that they dont even take reports about perscription drugs like vicodin. so i said if they broke into my house and took my pain pills its ok and he said basicly it is because its drugs he then hung up on me. i wish i could sue for discrimanation but im to poor
Sometimes you have to do things in person to get them done. I would'nt have called. If you file a report they take a report...it's the law. As far as them not doing anything because it's drugs is a BS. If I sold weed and somebody comes and kicks my door down, beats the shit out of me, take my stash I still have a right to call the police. Go down and file a police report and mention the name of the suspect in the report. Once you have a police report you can take him to court yourself and sue for 3 times the amount of loss/damage to property, well you can do that in my state.

If I was there you could just give me a oz. to go stomp a mudhole in there ass..lol. One thing for sure is don't let it go or the guy will definately be back on your next grow.

I Love Indica

Active Member
how you catch someone on your property, stealing your stuff, and not, at the least...... attempt to hand out a beantown beatdown.
Not everyone can dish out a beating, but everyone can take one. He should have a firearm and let them bullets do the talking or pull out the law book and get him legally. You know ain't no fighting in BEANTOWN!!! Don't bring fist to a gunfight..lol. Roxbury, Dorchester, Mattapan SALUTE!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well..i would buy him being a cocksucker before buying that im a thug or cowboy...its not about being a thug...its about being a man.see..the thing is i dont in fact...suck cock.so i have the balls to defend my own....and im sure i dont really need a gun...being that im 7 ft and 315 lbs...its like i said..im not a little bitch thats gonna run to the cops for shit i can handle on my own.to be honest..if i had watched someone stealing my plants....i would lay the fuckers out with a bat and a kick to the throat.i wouldnt need to shoot someone stealing my weed...i could and get away with it...but who is to say its not some 15 yr old kids....take out a knee..then shoot if needed


Active Member
well..i would buy him being a cocksucker before buying that im a thug or cowboy...its not about being a thug...its about being a man.see..the thing is i dont in fact...suck cock.so i have the balls to defend my own....and im sure i dont really need a gun...being that im 7 ft and 315 lbs...its like i said..im not a little bitch thats gonna run to the cops for shit i can handle on my own.to be honest..if i had watched someone stealing my plants....i would lay the fuckers out with a bat and a kick to the throat.i wouldnt need to shoot someone stealing my weed...i could and get away with it...but who is to say its not some 15 yr old kids....take out a knee..then shoot if needed
Couldn't have said it better myself...How do you stand around WATCHING your shit get taken, not do anything, not make a sound...Then whine about getting robbed afterwards....It's like what my high school wrestling coach used to say to the guys that would cry from the pain "If this was the caveman days, I would walk into your cave, hit your woman over the head with a club, drag her back to my cave and fuck the shit out of her while you sit their crying about it not being fair"


Well-Known Member
I say, if your gonna shoot someone that is breaking into your shit, you better be a good shot. My take on the whole situation is if someone is already committing a felony by breaking in, its not a big leap for them to have their own gun.

Im all for a good fight at a bar or something but, I hope somebody doesnt break into my place because I can almost shoot a smiley face in their chest from 25 yds.



Active Member
I say, if your gonna shoot someone that is breaking into your shit, you better be a good shot. My take on the whole situation is if someone is already committing a felony by breaking in, its not a big leap for them to have their own gun.

Im all for a good fight at a bar or something but, I hope somebody doesnt break into my place because I can almost shoot a smiley face in their chest from 25 yds.

View attachment 1159181

For those that are a bad shot, a shotgun is a good investment.


Active Member
For one, I hope I dont sound like I make fun.... BUT your grouping is very loose. I carried a gun for 8years, I was in law enforcement, You would fail qualifications with a grouping like that.... I would take you down before your spray and pray would come close to me. We shot 15 rounds through that red spot at 15 yards, we had to shoot within a slightly larger area than that at 25yards, Your group would be hitting the shed from across the yard.

And also, sale that plastic gun, their laughed at in law enforcement and the officers that carry them still cant wait, what is that a GLOCK? I carried a .357mag and there's nothing more reliable than a revolver.

No its a SANCO? dont they make watches? Thats like carrying a Taurus

I say, if your gonna shoot someone that is breaking into your shit, you better be a good shot. My take on the whole situation is if someone is already committing a felony by breaking in, its not a big leap for them to have their own gun.

Im all for a good fight at a bar or something but, I hope somebody doesnt break into my place because I can almost shoot a smiley face in their chest from 25 yds.

View attachment 1159181


Active Member
i called and they refused to take a report my lights and everything were also taken. he broke my lock and i have a no trespassing sign. the worse part is i saw them and caught them in the act and know thier name. whos supposed to pay for the damage to my shed, my light and fertilizers. The officer even went as far to tell me that they dont even take reports about perscription drugs like vicodin. so i said if they broke into my house and took my pain pills its ok and he said basicly it is because its drugs he then hung up on me. i wish i could sue for discrimanation but im to poor
In Detroit we got street justice. I'd get the crew and we would go have a little *talk with'em...

*Our boots got lips!!!