No my friend, cultivation of even a couple of plants will cost a person years in the state I live in. The laws change in every state, I happen to live in one of the worst. I would get as much time for my twelve plants as a child molester would for raping a kid. The only difference is that they...
Here is the thing about our legal system, you are inocent until proven guilty. The thing that makes that harder for them to prove that is our constitutional right to say what we want. Hypotheticly I could be an American just cutting and pasting pics from some one elses garden. Maybee I just want...
Hey there rainz this is totally random but in answer to your sig. there are parts of the US that you can get 10-20 years for a couple of plants. They would gleefully destroy my life in a minute and feel like they were doing gods work. Prison sucks. If you can't grasp those facts then maybe you...
Found another girl this morning. She finally showed at 24 days old almost a week behind the others. On the bright side she will probably be plus sized.
And here is the rest of the family.
Or you can do like I do and have part of your space heavier on the 6500 end of the spectrum. I use one side for veg and seedlings then they move them a foot or two to the side for flower under 2700 bulbs. My space is 4x3 and 75% of my bulbs are 2700
I think you may be right. I was stopping by to look in his ladies and + rep him myself. Now I see everybody is doing it and I just don't feel so special anymore. Now let me take a look at them and cough up my points. He may be a rep whore but I still feel like he's my rep whorekiss-ass
I have tried to restrain myself from posting pics of my other plants here. I know there is only one entry but I mean how can you not want a front row seat to a real love story
Here are my ladies and the Dude this morning.
#7 is the male. Not pictured are the three that are breaking soil today and the two stunted runts that will be finishing soon.
Welcome to the party hesh. I haven't posted pics in tha hood lately so here are some of my little lovelies this morning.
All of them except #9 are Blue Himalaya Diesel. It is a mystery auto flower strain. I have three others that are breaking soil today and two runts that will be finishing soon.
Here he is folks, my breeding entry. I think he shall be known as Clyde.
And here is the happy couple.
They are both 24 day old Blue Himalaya Diesels. They are grown in soil, under CFls. I have a few others that were started since then posted on my thread.
So going into week three on my first few BHDs and I have 3 females, 1 male, and one that still has not shown sex. I pulled the other male yesterday. He was half the size of his brother and only a couple of days younger. Here are picks of the blues I have going now.
This is the one that has not...