They wouldn't advertise it if they had a clue just how big a risk they are taking.
Try doing a little research on property seizure laws before you go armchair lawyer giving advice that could get someones property taken by the feds.
The owner of a rental property (or any other physical...
So we should let drug cartels continue to make millions of dollars in profits while they trash our national forests and other lands because they kidnap and enslave people?
The situation your cousin was put in just illustrates even more why getting these drug cartels out of the business of...
Unfortunately I don't think anything you or I or anyone else has to say for that matter will have much affect on genetic engineering of plants or animals. It's already being done and dollar signs will ensure that it will continue. Chances are you've already eaten genetically engineered corn and...
It was the same back then too it's just weed in the states for the most part was not tended to like it is today.
The other problem was by the time it was packaged for shipping and got to the customer it had degraded. Bricking weed degrades the THC...bud abuse I tell ya!
Now you get regs...
Yeah, it really is kind of scary. Even with very controlled experiments.
Ever seen a black squirrel? Ask anyone in Princeton, NJ about the black squirrels that are now fairly common in town.
You guys realize there is already more feral hemp (ditch weed) growing than the DEA can eradicate each year now right?
98% of all the weed they killed from '84-'06 was feral hemp. They stopped reporting how much ditch weed vs "cultivated" cannabis because people were yelling about the gross...
First three lines of my original post are links. First to the company who makes those lamps and next two are from a grower using them on 420 mag's forums.
I don't really think leds are ready for "large grows" yet but I don't know...if you do the math the per/oz cost is REALLY cheap even though...
You're subscribed automatically when you reply to a thread. You may also sub to a thread by using the 'Thread Tools' menu at the top of the thread on the right...for all you thread tools. :P
Good luck with your China led panel hook up man but you really should do more research on both the...
Nice grow going man GL with it.
Some strains might take topping a bit harder and need more time to recover but it looks like you've got more than 4 strong bud sites going for multi colas. If all that "sideways" growth was mainly along one stalk you might be talking about closer to 12" of...
Sorry I'm really not trying to be a dick it just amazes me how so many people can formulate an opinion on things when they either didn't read what was said or just don't comprehend what they read.
It cost him a lot more than $475 to get 5oz a harvest in lights. He's using 3 of those. Can't...