good luck mannn!! ughhhh. im prayin for ya man. that would be nice if they just kept puting it off.. adn it eventually got continued without a finding. thats wat happened with my case from a while back.. i was 16. and got caught with a pound and baggies and a scale. knife.. thats it tho. but...
i was lookin it uyp yesterday. and "in theory" its supposed to actually increase your yield. the plant spends less time/energy on those smaller buds that dry out to .0009999999 grams. lol. and spend more time fattening up the bigger buds.. i sort of did sumthin like this with my full moon.. i...
Holy Barney pooping purple people eaters batman!!....... lmfao. neva heard that b4!! wow.
lots of purple tho huh? lol. 4/5 are purple. =) and i was only expecting maybe 2 to be a lil purple (the BSB's) that cindys pretty strong smelling huh?? yeaa i just took 2 clones from my cindy mom. therye...
how much better are your yields wen lollipopping?? well i mean im sure u dont have an exact amount. lol. but i mean do you notice a difference? sumtimes ill keep the smaller branches attatched... but strip all the lower buds on the lower branches... leaving just the top buds.. but they dont...
Black Sour Bubble #2 (Black Rose Leaning Pheno) (8 Weeks Flowering)
Black Sour Bubble #1 (Sour Bubble Leaning Pheno) (8 Weeks Flowering)
Purple Dog (8 Weeks Flowering)
CaliBand (8 Weeks Flowering)
And heres a few budshots of each strain I got goin (except the...
Black Sour Bubble #2 (8 Weeks Flowering)
CaliBand (8 Weeks Flowering)
K-13 (8 Weeks Flowering)
Black Sour Bubble #1 (8 Weeks Flowering)
Purple DOG Kush (8 Weeks Flowering)
A Sample Dry Bud From Each Plant (Except For The Dog Kush, Which seems to be a...
ill take sum chicken teriyaki.. beef teriyaki... andddd. pork fried rice.. or as they say it.. Poke Fry Ry. lol. and yeaa i do that all to often.. plan on chopping the next day... then look at them. and they almost call out... come on... cut me down... bet u dont got the balls to.. bet u wont do...
yeaaa the BSB (sour Bubble pheno) looks very similar the the BSB 1 i have. adn the other has more of a purple color. more of a black rose dom. pheno ill show ya sum pics. very impressed with the amount of resin on them.. adn that dog cross.... or w.e. it may be. lol... thing is fuckin pcking on...
yeaaa. ppl are wayyyyyyyyy too paranoid! lol. they needa watch wat theyre smoking. shits getitn them too paranoid and leading to conspiracy's and watnot. lol
still have 400+ pages of beautiful pics here. =) never thought this thread would be this popular wen i started it. =D woohoo!
We just gotta keep a move on.. people are fuckin assholes. adn have nothing better to do than to hack websites and fuck shit up for no reason at all...
im not too worried.... as long as ur not giving out important info (address... full names.. etc..) or posting pics that have things in the...
posting NEW data. people return to see NEW stuff. not old stuff. =) i always keep pics saved in seperate folders and saved on a Jump Drive. just soo i have pics of each crop from start to finish. just for backup or for breeding purposes. it sucks but wat can ya do ya kno?
ahhhhh.. ok thanks man. that explains alot. lol. i had got a random message too. but i couldnt read it. from sum name ive never seen b4... im curious wat it said.. think it was jsut a spam tho. glad its bak up tho
yeaaa T jsut posted this link in my thread. explains everything.... thye got hacked and had to restore. heres the link.