yeaaa the longer you let them cure they better they will taste/smoke. it will be much smoother and burn better. 2 weeks isnt a bad cure time tho. but a month would be really good for it. =) if u have the patience then go 4 it man!
ughhhh.. trying to hold back on chopping the k-13 and possibly the caliband... i want to sooo bad.. i keep thinking to myself.... wats a few more days really gonna do?? or a week.... adn then i think 2 myself... ive waited 8 1/2 weeks..... wats another week? lol... ughhh i hate this part...
the K-13 is Kannabia Special x G-13 =) i kinda just came up with the name myself... i just didnt feel like writing Kannabia Special over and over.... lol. soo i just shortened it to K-13. the buds are fuckin ROCK SOLID!! never had a plant with such tight nugs b4... wen i harvest im gonna...
awesome man! cant wait to check out the new grow mannn! heyy. just outta curiousity... how much do ya sell a QP for? i just like hearin diff prices form diff areas... ppl pay 400 an ounce here in new england/mass area. adn like 1200-1300 for a QP sum ppl pay 500 an ouce
cannaMILK!!?? never heard of that either..... cannaBUTTER ive heard of and made... but never made/heard of canna milk. lmao do ya just str8 up drink the milk? or use it in cooking.? mmmmm cannamilk and oreos... or a milkshake. yummy!!
ooo ok i got cha. yeaa i saw 1 pic where they were mostly clear/cloudy. adn yeaa i more or less grow for personel use. might sell a bag or 2 here and there to a fwe friends. (they always say its the best stuff theyve ever smoked)
and aww man. the blueberry haze smelled bombbbbbb!! to this...
ahhh very niiice very niiice. =) cant wait to chop all these plants! 4/5 are yours. lol. the purple dog. and 2 BSB's and caliband. =) the other one is dizzles. the k-13. has a nice lemony scent to it. smokes alot like the g-13. =)
threw a few cindy clones in the flowering room 2day. =D...
from the look of those trichs in the last few pics... looks like u werent that early. sumtimes i even chop around that % of amber. looks good man. yeaa ive had to chop a plant at 4 weeks flowering. (a blueberry haze) cuz it went hermie... and i was gonna jsut toss it.. but i decided to dry it...
thanks maneee. yeaa once it dries... its crazy how dark it is!! ughhhhhhhhhh....... back to work todayyyyy. =( the vaca FLEW by!! but i work at a college.. and they get oiut soon i think... in mid may i think they graduate. soo ill have a few weeks off. then ill be workin as a floor manager...
i knoww. lol. weneva u dont want all females..t aht wat ya end up with.. i gave the last of my floja seeds to HC hopin u could keep the strain alive.. 8 out of 10 germed.. and 7 actually made it out of the soil... and wat do ya kno.. 7/7 with females........ damn! lol.