Lmao nothintg says desperation like a momma joke, good one tho but my mom passed away 8 years ago from breast cancer so unless ur a necrophiliac i dont think u had any sexual realtions wit my mother.
Sorry to burst your bubble chuck but when i posted that i just got back from the bar it was 3:30 a.m where im at, and i am a punk kid i dont no shit from noone, but sorry i gotta go i actually have work ( a real job ) so u guys can sit on this website and piss away watever portion of ur life is...
To me, it sounds like uncle ben is a miserable middle aged man wit a bullshit job and no future to look forward to so he comes on here to spread his misery
Lmao yo im just sayin what im using if u wanna be immature and childish be my guest, u can go back to bed with uncle ben now hes been waitin for. The KY been ready for ya! Just one question, whos pitchin n whos receiving?
Yea i know, u asked for npk ratios but i already said what i feed with and if u know ur shit like u say u should be able to figure out the npk ratios on ur own if u really are curious