I dub my co2 concentrate "no choke", as its super smooth. sometimes like you didnt take a hit, then blow a cloud. I've seen it also give a delayed hack, an uncontrollable hack, and a continues hack when it no longer dab territory but more like glob or paint the nail w dab for the head like that.
Crazy weekend that was. I was getting strangers and familiar faces high in the streets of los angeles w a torch and Ti set up, that was a burn. Way would have had a better time w a G-pen or similar device. I was so paranoid cops were going to swoop on me and that vial was in my pocket the...
the talk of vacuum pumps came up in a conversation. my buddy has a rotary vein pump for me. They were getting into military specs @ 400 cycles.... it kinda lost me. I never would have guessed my opportunity to land a job would have ever came from weed. I have some caffeine extractions going...
I wasn't bagging when I said jello, I seen after it was shatter. yes I ran a second extraction on stuff that was claimed to have 10% yield removed. So I worked a qp and pulled 6 grams from that. It was dark, but still good. 5% co-solvent lead to the darkness.
Hey matt, I recovered this from previously used plant matter w butane. It had been dried for weeks, ground, and then extracted. EtOH brought the butane back to life again. That clings on quite well.
maybe you should check out my video on youtube. Its a new one for people who get off on cheap thrills. co2xtactr channel, $2.00 co2 xtract. its a fun quick extraction done cheap. and technically your using propane, iso-butane, and n-butane as a solvent of choice. When you know how little of...
I do subcritical butane and supercritical. I just hate exposing my equipment to that kinda heat. 580 psi is cake, but 306F is efin hot. Almost not worth it. Doesn't even fine tune like co2, where the temp adjusts the pressure. It just has more solvent power to yield more non-targeted...