Anyone who knows weed and extractions will tell you it's really red oil that's targeted and from there the purification process can begin. A person w tremendous skill in the art would then re-crystallize the purified product for what these streets haven't seen in years, CANNABINOL. You have to...
TThe top is known as red oil. It's by far better and not black as it appears on the lower photo. It's often what people want is what I consider the primary extract. Often I want max solvent value, not potency. People want yellow like on the mirror or paler.
i had someone come 10 hrs away to get a tutorial from me. It's very common for people who live that close to come and get the live demo and any questions answered concerning scfe. He is not familiar w my posts, but I've taught about 50 people how to use co2 as a solvent of choice for...
vacuum is measured in mm. -32mm is total outer space vacuum. It's not measured in " or ', as that's our funky measurement's standing for inches and feet.
Isopropyl is what
I used when these kids where jacking me. I made iso junk and placed it in vials and the dumb fucks took the bait. They probably thought I was loosing my touch! Iso is the lowest quality concentate available. Yuck.
If I may ask, what you guys do w iso? iso-butane is my vector. I swear by it. I have a feeling thats not what kind of extracts your talking about. I made isopropyl when I needed grease for my threads of my extractors w out contaminating the batch w anything other than weed. So isopropyl had...
There's no way to recover 100% of the butane. A lot gets retained in the tane, making it smaller than 100%. There is a theoretical recovery and an actual recovery. 80% is super high.