thanks to everyone who has taught me so well about growing but where are these topics coming from can we please just talk about our lovely lady??? im in the 400 watt HPS category....
i was watching cops the other night and they arrested this mexican with a trunk full of weed but it ws the brownest shit ever. i would be more embarresed than anything if i got busted with that shit.
seeing as how it wasnt a presidential election year not alot of the younger crowd voted it was mostly the 40 and over crowd and senior citizens and of coarse they voted no. the margin was still very slim so we really need to keep pushing it. and you were so right when you said "we as americans...
NO black is hot white nuetral and green is ground im no electrician but im pretty sure it would work just connect the wires together with a wire nut. black with black white with white and red with green. remember im not an electrician.
i totally agree with you. i have the same test going right now i got FF light warrior for 6 plants and MG organics choice for 4. just started them the other day so well see how it goes. used MG on last grow and it turned out superb.