I'll take a photo when the light goes back on to give everyone a good view. How would you fix a problem of you much circulating air in a room? And I also have a pot of water in my room. My humidity has been above 40 due to my humidifier. Although when I woke up it was empty and it dropped to...
I had no idea what was happening as this was my first! Started to panic a little and tried to up my humidity thinking that was the problem! Learning everyday, cheers brother for your input
Hello, this is my first grow I have ever done. So I may be a bit crap at explaining things but I'll give it my best. I have a grow space of about 90x90x150. I have a cool tube and a 250w hps lights. I also have a 400w lumatek dimable electric ballast. For my Intake I have a 4 inch can fan and...
Hello, this is my first grow I have ever done. So I may be a bit crap at explaining things but I'll give it my best. I have a grow space of about 90x90x150. I have a cool tube and a 250w hps lights. I also have a 400w lumatek dimable electric ballast. For my Intake I have a 4 inch can fan and...
The intake is now more out the window on the left and the exhaust the same and temps are 27.9 under the light and it's not even close to the bulb, thinking 6 inch cool tube with high power ruck and use a speed controller lower speeds ?
I'm intaking and exhausting out the same window just different sides, the house sits at about 22 plus but outside it's around 16 and 20 max, my intake is a 5 inch black orchid fan not the most powerful, exhaust is a 4 inch can fan, should I be swapping these fans to use the power to pull more...
the lights are off I have the intake running and a oscillating fan running and temp are at 24c, my intake is pulled from the left side of the window and the exhaust is pushed out the right side ? Is this a problem?
I think the intake fan is just no efficient enough thinking about swapping the fans to blow more cool air from outside, outdoor temps about 18c or even lower, will this work or just be a waste ? And the thermometer is sitting under the light
I've been told already to move the exhaust ducting away from the hood and to the top of the tent? Got rid of the humidifier and put the oscillating fan lower
So now I have got the exhaust at the top right the intake fan pointing towards the bottom left and a 4 inch clip on fan, with the 150w light running the temps are reaching 85, 87 highest, still having issues ? Would a cool tube be worth the investment ?