yeah You can....
When you Decarb the cannabis, Heat It up to 315 for a half an hour...(having never done this 1/2 hour is a guess might want a full hour)
This works because THC's boiling point is 314.6 F and CBD is 320-356 F
Here is more boiling points for shits and giggles...
About a month in, I start with half my up to one heaping TBS per gallon ....When the plants start flowering I mix half triple 17 with half bloom...then only the bloom...I keep the full dose till two weeks before Harvey...
I'm going to be adding compost teas to the mix this...
How does a plant know when to flower? The number of hours of light it receives...
How check out how long your days are...
You took a plant from inside prob on 16/8 or more put it out to something like 13 hours....
It thinks the season is over and pushes to flower...
it will reveg if you let...
Good to know...I have only revegged once, by error in my first season ..I always thought it stunted the plants a bit and hurt yields...I could of been some other problem that I didn't notice..
It's a old strain from bro grim...I doubt you could get the real thing anymore...But TGA Subcool has some good crosses...
More info here
FYI that attitude freebie G13 lab's Cindy 99 is anything but cindy's a cross of pineapple and grapefruit...They just stole the name....and that really grinds my gears...
If the mom is super root bound it might not preform as well as a clone...that and reveg are the only things I can think of...
I use supplemental lighting outside....when I turn them off, I like to think to pushes them to flower before they would naturally.